class documentationtwisted.python.test.modules_helpers
(View In Hierarchy)
Known subclasses: twisted.python.test.test_deprecate.ImportedModuleAttributeTests, twisted.test.test_application.PluggableReactorTests, twisted.test.test_modules.TwistedModulesTestCase
A mixin for twisted.trial.unittest.SynchronousTestCase
providing useful methods for manipulating Python's module system.
Method | replaceSysPath | Replace sys.path, for the duration of the test, with the given value. |
Method | replaceSysModules | Replace sys.modules, for the duration of the test, with the given value. |
Method | pathEntryWithOnePackage | Generate a FilePath with
one package, named pkgname , on it, and return the FilePath of
the path entry. |
Replace sys.path, for the duration of the test, with the given value.