Known subclasses: twisted.python.test.test_release.GitCommandTest

Test mixin for the VCS commands used by the release scripts.

Method setUp Undocumented
Method test_ensureIsWorkingDirectoryWithWorkingDirectory Calling the ensureIsWorkingDirectory VCS command's method on a valid working directory doesn't produce any error.
Method test_ensureIsWorkingDirectoryWithNonWorkingDirectory Calling the ensureIsWorkingDirectory VCS command's method on an invalid working directory raises a NotWorkingDirectory exception.
Method test_statusClean Calling the isStatusClean VCS command's method on a repository with no pending modifications returns True.
Method test_statusNotClean Calling the isStatusClean VCS command's method on a repository with no pending modifications returns False.
Method test_remove Calling the remove VCS command's method remove the specified path from the directory.
Method test_export The exportTo VCS command's method export the content of the repository as identical in a specified directory.

Inherited from StructureAssertingMixin:

Method createStructure Create a set of directories and files given a dict defining their structure.
Method assertStructure Assert that a directory is equivalent to one described by a dict.
def setUp(self):
def test_ensureIsWorkingDirectoryWithWorkingDirectory(self):

Calling the ensureIsWorkingDirectory VCS command's method on a valid working directory doesn't produce any error.

def test_ensureIsWorkingDirectoryWithNonWorkingDirectory(self):

Calling the ensureIsWorkingDirectory VCS command's method on an invalid working directory raises a NotWorkingDirectory exception.

def test_statusClean(self):

Calling the isStatusClean VCS command's method on a repository with no pending modifications returns True.

def test_statusNotClean(self):

Calling the isStatusClean VCS command's method on a repository with no pending modifications returns False.

def test_remove(self):

Calling the remove VCS command's method remove the specified path from the directory.

def test_export(self):

The exportTo VCS command's method export the content of the repository as identical in a specified directory.

API Documentation for twisted, generated by pydoctor at 2020-03-25 17:34:30.