Tests for the command-line scripts in the top-level bin/ directory.

Tests for actual functionality belong elsewhere, written in a way that doesn't involve launching child processes.

Function outputFromPythonScript No summary
Class ScriptTestsMixin Mixin for TestCase subclasses which defines a helper function for testing a Twisted-using script.
Class ScriptTests Tests for the core scripts.
Class ZshIntegrationTests Test that zsh completion functions are generated without error
def outputFromPythonScript(script, *args):

Synchronously run a Python script, with the same Python interpreter that ran the process calling this function, using Popen, using the given command-line arguments, with standard input and standard error both redirected to os.devnull, and return its output as a string.

ParametersscriptThe path to the script. (type: FilePath)
argsThe command-line arguments to follow the script in its invocation (the desired sys.argv[1:]). (type: tuple of str)
Returnsthe output passed to the proces's stdout, without any messages from stderr. (type: bytes)
API Documentation for twisted, generated by pydoctor at 2020-03-25 17:34:30.