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Class MathTests Undocumented
Function selectDialect Dictate a Banana dialect to use.
Function encode Banana encode an object using banana.Banana.sendEncoded.
Class BananaTestBase The base for test classes. It defines commonly used things and sets up a connection for testing.
Class BananaTests General banana tests.
Class DialectTests Tests for Banana's handling of dialects.
Class GlobalCoderTests Tests for the free functions banana.encode and banana.decode.
def selectDialect(protocol, dialect):

Dictate a Banana dialect to use.

ParametersprotocolA banana.Banana instance which has not yet had a dialect negotiated.
dialectA bytes instance naming a Banana dialect to select.
def encode(bananaFactory, obj):

Banana encode an object using banana.Banana.sendEncoded.

ParametersbananaFactoryA no-argument callable which will return a new, unconnected protocol instance to use to do the encoding (this should most likely be a banana.Banana instance).
objThe object to encode. (type: Any type supported by Banana.)
ReturnsA bytes instance giving the encoded form of obj.
API Documentation for twisted, generated by pydoctor at 2020-03-25 17:34:30.