Known subclasses: twisted.spread.test.test_pb.LeakyRealm

A realm which repeatedly gives out a single instance of MyPerspective for non-anonymous logins and which gives out a new instance of Echoer for each anonymous login.

Instance Variable lastPerspective The MyPerspective most recently created and returned from requestAvatar.
Instance Variable perspectiveFactory A one-argument callable which will be used to create avatars to be returned from requestAvatar.
Method requestAvatar Verify that the mind and interface supplied have the expected values (this should really be done somewhere else, like inside a test method) and return an avatar appropriate for the given identifier.
lastPerspective =
The MyPerspective most recently created and returned from requestAvatar.
perspectiveFactory =
A one-argument callable which will be used to create avatars to be returned from requestAvatar.
def requestAvatar(self, avatarId, mind, interface):

Verify that the mind and interface supplied have the expected values (this should really be done somewhere else, like inside a test method) and return an avatar appropriate for the given identifier.

API Documentation for twisted, generated by pydoctor at 2020-03-25 17:34:30.