A fake IConnector that can fire Deferreds when its connect method is called.

Method __init__
Method connect A connect implementation that calls reconnectCallback

Inherited from _FakeConnector:

Instance Variable stoppedConnecting has this connector's _FakeConnector.stopConnecting method been invoked yet?
Method stopConnecting Implement IConnector.stopConnecting and set _FakeConnector.stoppedConnecting to True
Method disconnect Implement IConnector.disconnect as a no-op.
Method getDestination Implement IConnector.getDestination to return the address passed to __init__.
Instance Variable _address An IAddress provider that represents our destination.
def __init__(self, address, state):
ParametersaddressAn IAddress provider that represents this connector's destination. (type: An IAddress provider.)
stateThe state instance (type: _ReconnectingFakeConnectorState)
def connect(self):

A connect implementation that calls reconnectCallback

API Documentation for twisted, generated by pydoctor at 2020-03-25 17:34:30.