Known subclasses: twisted.test.test_amp.ListOfDateTimeTests, twisted.test.test_amp.ListOfDecimalNanTests, twisted.test.test_amp.ListOfDecimalTests, twisted.test.test_amp.ListOfIntegersTests, twisted.test.test_amp.ListOfStringsTests, twisted.test.test_amp.ListOfUnicodeTests

Base class for testing ListOf, a parameterized zero-or-more argument type.

Instance Variable elementType Subclasses should set this to an Argument instance. The tests will make a ListOf using this.
Instance Variable strings Subclasses should set this to a dictionary mapping some number of keys -- as BYTE strings -- to the correct serialized form for some example values. These should agree with what elementType produces/accepts.
Instance Variable objects Subclasses should set this to a dictionary with the same keys as strings -- as NATIVE strings -- and with values which are the lists which should serialize to the values in the strings dictionary.
Method test_toBox No summary
Method test_fromBox ListOf.fromBox reverses the operation performed by ListOf.toBox.
elementType =
Subclasses should set this to an Argument instance. The tests will make a ListOf using this.
strings =
Subclasses should set this to a dictionary mapping some number of keys -- as BYTE strings -- to the correct serialized form for some example values. These should agree with what elementType produces/accepts.
objects =
Subclasses should set this to a dictionary with the same keys as strings -- as NATIVE strings -- and with values which are the lists which should serialize to the values in the strings dictionary.
def test_toBox(self):

ListOf.toBox extracts the list of objects from the objects dictionary passed to it, using the name key also passed to it, serializes each of the elements in that list using the Argument instance previously passed to its initializer, combines the serialized results, and inserts the result into the strings dictionary using the same name key.

def test_fromBox(self):

ListOf.fromBox reverses the operation performed by ListOf.toBox.

API Documentation for twisted, generated by pydoctor at 2020-03-25 17:34:30.