Tests for twisted.internet.defer.deferredGenerator and related APIs.

Function getThing Undocumented
Function getOwie Undocumented
Class TerminalException Undocumented
Class BaseDefgenTests No summary
Function deprecatedDeferredGenerator Calls deferredGenerator while suppressing the deprecation warning.
Class DeferredGeneratorTests No class docstring; 1/8 methods documented
Class InlineCallbacksTests No class docstring; 5/12 methods documented
Class DeprecateDeferredGeneratorTests Tests that DeferredGeneratorTests and waitForDeferred are deprecated.
def getThing():
def getOwie():
def deprecatedDeferredGenerator(f):

Calls deferredGenerator while suppressing the deprecation warning.

ParametersfFunction to call
ReturnsReturn value of function.
API Documentation for twisted, generated by pydoctor at 2020-03-25 17:34:30.