Basic functionality of FTP server.

Method test_tooManyConnections When the connection limit is reached, the server should send an appropriate response
Method test_NotLoggedInReply When not logged in, most commands other than USER and PASS should get NOT_LOGGED_IN errors, but some can be called before USER and PASS.
Method test_PASSBeforeUSER Issuing PASS before USER should give an error.
Method test_NoParamsForUSER Issuing USER without a username is a syntax error.
Method test_NoParamsForPASS Issuing PASS without a password is a syntax error.
Method test_loginError Unexpected exceptions from the login handler are caught
Method test_AnonymousLogin Login with userid 'anonymous'
Method test_Quit Issuing QUIT should return a 221 message.
Method test_AnonymousLoginDenied Reconfigure the server to disallow anonymous access, and to have an IUsernamePassword checker that always rejects.
Method test_anonymousWriteDenied When an anonymous user attempts to edit the server-side filesystem, they will receive a 550 error with a descriptive message.
Method test_UnknownCommand Send an invalid command.
Method test_RETRBeforePORT Send RETR before sending PORT.
Method test_STORBeforePORT Send STOR before sending PORT.
Method test_BadCommandArgs Send command with bad arguments.
Method test_DecodeHostPort Decode a host port.
Method test_PASV When the client sends the command PASV, the server responds with a host and port, and is listening on that port.
Method test_SYST SYST command will always return UNIX Type: L8
Method test_RNFRandRNTO Sending the RNFR command followed by RNTO, with valid filenames, will perform a successful rename operation.
Method test_RNFRwithoutRNTO Sending the RNFR command followed by any command other than RNTO should return an error informing users that RNFR should be followed by RNTO.
Method test_portRangeForwardError Exceptions other than error.CannotListenError which are raised by listenFactory should be raised to the caller of FTP.getDTPPort.
Method test_portRange No summary
Method test_portRangeInheritedFromFactory The FTP instances created by ftp.FTPFactory.buildProtocol have their passivePortRange attribute set to the same object the factory's passivePortRange attribute is set to.
Method test_FEAT When the server receives 'FEAT', it should report the list of supported features. (Additionally, ensure that the server reports various particular features that are supported by all Twisted FTP servers.)
Method test_OPTS When the server receives 'OPTS something', it should report that the FTP server does not support the option called 'something'.
Method test_STORreturnsErrorFromOpen Any FTP error raised inside STOR while opening the file is returned to the client.
Method test_STORunknownErrorBecomesFileNotFound Any non FTP error raised inside STOR while opening the file is converted into FileNotFound error and returned to the client together with the path.

Inherited from FTPServerTestCase:

Instance Variable clientFactory class used as ftp client.
Method setUp Undocumented
Method assertCommandResponse Asserts that a sending an FTP command receives the expected response.
Method assertCommandFailed Undocumented
Method _anonymousLogin Undocumented
Method _userLogin Authenticates the FTP client using the test account.

Inherited from TestCase (via FTPServerTestCase):

Instance Variable timeout A real number of seconds. If set, the test will raise an error if it takes longer than timeout seconds. If not set, util.DEFAULT_TIMEOUT_DURATION is used.
Method __init__ Construct an asynchronous test case for methodName.
Method assertFailure Fail if deferred does not errback with one of expectedFailures. Returns the original Deferred with callbacks added. You will need to return this Deferred from your test case.
Method __call__ Run the test. Should always do exactly the same thing as run().
Method deferSetUp Undocumented
Method deferTestMethod Undocumented
Method deferTearDown Undocumented
Method deferRunCleanups Run any scheduled cleanups and report errors (if any to the result object.
Method addCleanup Extend the base cleanup feature with support for cleanup functions which return Deferreds.
Method getSuppress Undocumented
Method getTimeout No summary
Method _run Run a single method, either a test method or fixture.
Method _ebDeferSetUp Undocumented
Method _cbDeferTestMethod Undocumented
Method _ebDeferTestMethod Undocumented
Method _ebDeferTearDown Undocumented
Method _cbDeferRunCleanups Undocumented
Method _cleanUp Undocumented
Method _classCleanUp Undocumented
Method _makeReactorMethod Create a method which wraps the reactor method name. The new method issues a deprecation warning and calls the original.
Method _deprecateReactor Deprecate iterate, crash and stop on reactor. That is, each method is wrapped in a function that issues a deprecation warning, then calls the original.
Method _undeprecateReactor Restore the deprecated reactor methods. Undoes what _deprecateReactor did.
Method _runCleanups Run the cleanups added with addCleanup in order.
Method _runFixturesAndTest Really run setUp, the test method, and tearDown. Any of these may return defer.Deferreds. After they complete, do some reactor cleanup.
Method _wait Take a Deferred that only ever callbacks. Block until it happens.

Inherited from SynchronousTestCase (via FTPServerTestCase, TestCase):

Instance Variable failureException An exception class, defaulting to FailTest. If the test method raises this exception, it will be reported as a failure, rather than an exception. All of the assertion methods raise this if the assertion fails.
Instance Variable skip None or a string explaining why this test is to be skipped. If defined, the test will not be run. Instead, it will be reported to the result object as 'skipped' (if the TestResult supports skipping).
Instance Variable todo None, a string or a tuple of (errors, reason) where errors is either an exception class or an iterable of exception classes, and reason is a string. See Todo or makeTodo for more information.
Instance Variable suppress None or a list of tuples of (args, kwargs) to be passed to warnings.filterwarnings. Use these to suppress warnings raised in a test. Useful for testing deprecated code. See also util.suppress.
Method __eq__ No summary
Method __ne__ Undocumented
Method __hash__ Undocumented
Method shortDescription Undocumented
Method getSkip No summary
Method getTodo No summary
Method runTest If no methodName argument is passed to the constructor, run will treat this method as the thing with the actual test inside.
Method run Run the test case, storing the results in result.
Method patch Monkey patch an object for the duration of the test.
Method flushLoggedErrors Remove stored errors received from the log.
Method flushWarnings Remove stored warnings from the list of captured warnings and return them.
Method callDeprecated Call a function that should have been deprecated at a specific version and in favor of a specific alternative, and assert that it was thusly deprecated.
Method mktemp Create a new path name which can be used for a new file or directory.
Method _getSuppress No summary
Method _getSkipReason Return the reason to use for skipping a test method.
Method _installObserver Undocumented
Method _removeObserver Undocumented

Inherited from _Assertions (via FTPServerTestCase, TestCase, SynchronousTestCase):

Method fail Absolutely fail the test. Do not pass go, do not collect $200.
Method assertFalse Fail the test if condition evaluates to True.
Method assertTrue Fail the test if condition evaluates to False.
Method assertRaises Fail the test unless calling the function f with the given args and kwargs raises exception. The failure will report the traceback and call stack of the unexpected exception.
Method assertEqual Fail the test if first and second are not equal.
Method assertIs Fail the test if first is not second. This is an obect-identity-equality test, not an object equality (i.e. __eq__) test.
Method assertIsNot Fail the test if first is second. This is an obect-identity-equality test, not an object equality (i.e. __eq__) test.
Method assertNotEqual Fail the test if first == second.
Method assertIn Fail the test if containee is not found in container.
Method assertNotIn Fail the test if containee is found in container.
Method assertNotAlmostEqual Fail if the two objects are equal as determined by their difference rounded to the given number of decimal places (default 7) and comparing to zero.
Method assertAlmostEqual Fail if the two objects are unequal as determined by their difference rounded to the given number of decimal places (default 7) and comparing to zero.
Method assertApproximates Fail if first - second > tolerance
Method assertSubstring Fail if substring does not exist within astring.
Method assertNotSubstring Fail if astring contains substring.
Method assertWarns Fail if the given function doesn't generate the specified warning when called. It calls the function, checks the warning, and forwards the result of the function if everything is fine.
Method assertIsInstance Fail if instance is not an instance of the given class or of one of the given classes.
Method assertNotIsInstance Fail if instance is an instance of the given class or of one of the given classes.
Method successResultOf Return the current success result of deferred or raise self.failureException.
Method failureResultOf Return the current failure result of deferred or raise self.failureException.
Method assertNoResult Assert that deferred does not have a result at this point.
Method assertRegex Fail the test if a regexp search of text fails.
def test_tooManyConnections(self):

When the connection limit is reached, the server should send an appropriate response

def test_NotLoggedInReply(self):

When not logged in, most commands other than USER and PASS should get NOT_LOGGED_IN errors, but some can be called before USER and PASS.

def test_PASSBeforeUSER(self):

Issuing PASS before USER should give an error.

def test_NoParamsForUSER(self):

Issuing USER without a username is a syntax error.

def test_NoParamsForPASS(self):

Issuing PASS without a password is a syntax error.

def test_loginError(self):

Unexpected exceptions from the login handler are caught

def test_AnonymousLogin(self):

Login with userid 'anonymous'

def test_Quit(self):

Issuing QUIT should return a 221 message.

ReturnsDeferred of command response
def test_AnonymousLoginDenied(self):

Reconfigure the server to disallow anonymous access, and to have an IUsernamePassword checker that always rejects.

ReturnsDeferred of command response
def test_anonymousWriteDenied(self):

When an anonymous user attempts to edit the server-side filesystem, they will receive a 550 error with a descriptive message.

ReturnsDeferred of command response
def test_UnknownCommand(self):

Send an invalid command.

ReturnsDeferred of command response
def test_RETRBeforePORT(self):

Send RETR before sending PORT.

ReturnsDeferred of command response
def test_STORBeforePORT(self):

Send STOR before sending PORT.

ReturnsDeferred of command response
def test_BadCommandArgs(self):

Send command with bad arguments.

ReturnsDeferred of command response
def test_DecodeHostPort(self):

Decode a host port.

def test_PASV(self):

When the client sends the command PASV, the server responds with a host and port, and is listening on that port.

def test_SYST(self):

SYST command will always return UNIX Type: L8

def test_RNFRandRNTO(self):

Sending the RNFR command followed by RNTO, with valid filenames, will perform a successful rename operation.

def test_RNFRwithoutRNTO(self):

Sending the RNFR command followed by any command other than RNTO should return an error informing users that RNFR should be followed by RNTO.

def test_portRangeForwardError(self):

Exceptions other than error.CannotListenError which are raised by listenFactory should be raised to the caller of FTP.getDTPPort.

def test_portRange(self):

FTP.passivePortRange should determine the ports which FTP.getDTPPort attempts to bind. If no port from that iterator can be bound, error.CannotListenError should be raised, otherwise the first successful result from FTP.listenFactory should be returned.

def test_portRangeInheritedFromFactory(self):

The FTP instances created by ftp.FTPFactory.buildProtocol have their passivePortRange attribute set to the same object the factory's passivePortRange attribute is set to.

def test_FEAT(self):

When the server receives 'FEAT', it should report the list of supported features. (Additionally, ensure that the server reports various particular features that are supported by all Twisted FTP servers.)

def test_OPTS(self):

When the server receives 'OPTS something', it should report that the FTP server does not support the option called 'something'.

def test_STORreturnsErrorFromOpen(self):

Any FTP error raised inside STOR while opening the file is returned to the client.

def test_STORunknownErrorBecomesFileNotFound(self):

Any non FTP error raised inside STOR while opening the file is converted into FileNotFound error and returned to the client together with the path.

The unknown error is logged.

API Documentation for twisted, generated by pydoctor at 2020-03-25 17:34:30.