Tests for implementations of IReactorTCP.

Function loopUntil Poor excuse for an event notification helper. This polls a condition and calls back a Deferred when it is seen to be true.
Class ClosingProtocol Undocumented
Class ClosingFactory Factory that closes port immediately.
Class MyProtocolFactoryMixin Mixin for factories which create AccumulatingProtocol instances.
Class MyServerFactory Server factory which creates AccumulatingProtocol instances.
Class MyClientFactory Client factory which creates AccumulatingProtocol instances.
Class ListeningTests No class docstring; 8/10 methods documented
Class LoopbackTests Test loopback connections.
Class StartStopFactory Undocumented
Class ClientStartStopFactory Undocumented
Class FactoryTests Tests for factories.
Class CannotBindTests Tests for correct behavior when a reactor cannot bind to the required TCP port.
Class MyOtherClientFactory Undocumented
Class LocalRemoteAddressTests Tests for correct getHost/getPeer values and that the correct address is passed to buildProtocol.
Class WriterProtocol Undocumented
Class ReaderProtocol Undocumented
Class WriterClientFactory Undocumented
Class WriteDataTests Test that connected TCP sockets can actually write data. Try to exercise the entire ITransport interface.
Class ConnectionLosingProtocol Undocumented
Class NoopProtocol Undocumented
Class ConnectionLostNotifyingProtocol Protocol which fires a Deferred which was previously passed to its initializer when the connection is lost.
Class HandleSavingProtocol Protocol which grabs the platform-specific socket handle and saves it as an attribute on itself when the connection is established.
Class ProperlyCloseFilesMixin Tests for platform resources properly being cleaned up.
Class ProperlyCloseFilesTests Test that the sockets created by IReactorTCP.connectTCP are cleaned up when the connection they are associated with is closed.
Class WiredForDeferreds Undocumented
Class WiredFactory Undocumented
Class AddressTests Tests for address-related interactions with client and server protocols.
Class LargeBufferWriterProtocol Undocumented
Class LargeBufferReaderProtocol Undocumented
Class LargeBufferReaderClientFactory Undocumented
Class FireOnClose A wrapper around a protocol that makes it fire a deferred when connectionLost is called.
Class FireOnCloseFactory Undocumented
Class LargeBufferTests Test that buffering large amounts of data works.
Class MyHCProtocol Undocumented
Class MyHCFactory Undocumented
Class HalfCloseTests Test half-closing connections.
Class HalfCloseNoNotificationAndShutdownExceptionTests No class docstring; 2/5 methods documented
Class HalfCloseBuggyApplicationTests Test half-closing connections where notification code has bugs.
Class LogTests Test logging facility of TCP base classes.
Class PauseProducingTests Test some behaviors of pausing the production of a transport.
Class CallBackOrderTests Test the order of reactor callbacks
def loopUntil(predicate, interval=0):

Poor excuse for an event notification helper. This polls a condition and calls back a Deferred when it is seen to be true.

Do not use this function.

API Documentation for twisted, generated by pydoctor at 2020-03-25 17:34:30.