Tests for implementations of IReactorTCP
Function | loopUntil | Poor excuse for an event notification helper. This polls a condition and calls back a Deferred when it is seen to be true. |
Class | ClosingProtocol | Undocumented |
Class | ClosingFactory | Factory that closes port immediately. |
Class | MyProtocolFactoryMixin | Mixin for factories which create AccumulatingProtocol
instances. |
Class | MyServerFactory | Server factory which creates AccumulatingProtocol
instances. |
Class | MyClientFactory | Client factory which creates AccumulatingProtocol
instances. |
Class | ListeningTests | No class docstring; 8/10 methods documented |
Class | LoopbackTests | Test loopback connections. |
Class | StartStopFactory | Undocumented |
Class | ClientStartStopFactory | Undocumented |
Class | FactoryTests | Tests for factories. |
Class | CannotBindTests | Tests for correct behavior when a reactor cannot bind to the required TCP port. |
Class | MyOtherClientFactory | Undocumented |
Class | LocalRemoteAddressTests | Tests for correct getHost/getPeer values and that the correct address is passed to buildProtocol. |
Class | WriterProtocol | Undocumented |
Class | ReaderProtocol | Undocumented |
Class | WriterClientFactory | Undocumented |
Class | WriteDataTests | Test that connected TCP sockets can actually write data. Try to exercise the entire ITransport interface. |
Class | ConnectionLosingProtocol | Undocumented |
Class | NoopProtocol | Undocumented |
Class | ConnectionLostNotifyingProtocol | Protocol which fires a Deferred which was previously passed to its initializer when the connection is lost. |
Class | HandleSavingProtocol | Protocol which grabs the platform-specific socket handle and saves it as an attribute on itself when the connection is established. |
Class | ProperlyCloseFilesMixin | Tests for platform resources properly being cleaned up. |
Class | ProperlyCloseFilesTests | Test that the sockets created by IReactorTCP.connectTCP
are cleaned up when the connection they are associated with is closed. |
Class | WiredForDeferreds | Undocumented |
Class | WiredFactory | Undocumented |
Class | AddressTests | Tests for address-related interactions with client and server protocols. |
Class | LargeBufferWriterProtocol | Undocumented |
Class | LargeBufferReaderProtocol | Undocumented |
Class | LargeBufferReaderClientFactory | Undocumented |
Class | FireOnClose | A wrapper around a protocol that makes it fire a deferred when connectionLost is called. |
Class | FireOnCloseFactory | Undocumented |
Class | LargeBufferTests | Test that buffering large amounts of data works. |
Class | MyHCProtocol | Undocumented |
Class | MyHCFactory | Undocumented |
Class | HalfCloseTests | Test half-closing connections. |
Class | HalfCloseNoNotificationAndShutdownExceptionTests | No class docstring; 2/5 methods documented |
Class | HalfCloseBuggyApplicationTests | Test half-closing connections where notification code has bugs. |
Class | LogTests | Test logging facility of TCP base classes. |
Class | PauseProducingTests | Test some behaviors of pausing the production of a transport. |
Class | CallBackOrderTests | Test the order of reactor callbacks |