An application runner that uses a SignalCapturingMemoryReactor and has a _signalValue attribute that it will set in the reactor.

Method __init__ Undocumented
Method preApplication Does nothing.
Method postApplication Instantiate a SignalCapturingMemoryReactor and start it in the runner.
Instance Variable _signalValue The signal value to set on the reactor's _exitSignal attribute.

Inherited from UnixApplicationRunner:

Method removePID Remove the specified PID file, if possible. Errors are logged, not raised.
Method setupEnvironment Set the filesystem root, the working directory, and daemonize.
Method daemonize Daemonizes the application on Unix. This is done by the usual double forking approach.
Method shedPrivileges Change the UID and GID or the EUID and EGID of this process.
Method startApplication Configure global process state based on the given application and run the application.
Method _formatChildException No summary
Method _waitForStart Wait for the daemonization success.

Inherited from ApplicationRunner (via UnixApplicationRunner):

Instance Variable config The config object, which provides a dict-like interface.
Instance Variable application Available in postApplication, but not preApplication. This is the application object.
Instance Variable profilerFactory Factory for creating a profiler object, able to profile the application if options are set accordingly.
Instance Variable profiler Instance provided by profilerFactory.
Instance Variable loggerFactory Factory for creating object responsible for logging.
Instance Variable logger Instance provided by loggerFactory.
Method run Run the application.
Method startReactor Run the reactor with the given configuration. Subclasses should probably call this from postApplication.
Method createOrGetApplication Create or load an Application based on the parameters found in the given ServerOptions instance.
_signalValue =
The signal value to set on the reactor's _exitSignal attribute.
def __init__(self, config):
def preApplication(self):
def postApplication(self):

Instantiate a SignalCapturingMemoryReactor and start it in the runner.

API Documentation for twisted, generated by pydoctor at 2020-03-25 17:34:30.