Known subclasses: twisted.conch.test.test_knownhosts.HashedEntryTests, twisted.names.test.test_dns.EDNSMessageEqualityTests, twisted.names.test.test_dns.EqualityTests, twisted.names.test.test_dns.MessageComparisonTests, twisted.names.test.test_dns.OPTHeaderTests, twisted.names.test.test_dns.OPTVariableOptionTests

A mixin which defines a method for making assertions about the correctness of an implementation of == and !=.

Use this to unit test objects which follow the common convention for == and !=:

  • The object compares equal to itself
  • The object cooperates with unrecognized types to allow them to implement the comparison
  • The object implements not-equal as the opposite of equal
Method assertNormalEqualityImplementation Assert that firstValueOne is equal to secondValueOne but not equal to valueOne and that it defines equality cooperatively with other types it doesn't know about.
def assertNormalEqualityImplementation(self, firstValueOne, secondValueOne, valueTwo):

Assert that firstValueOne is equal to secondValueOne but not equal to valueOne and that it defines equality cooperatively with other types it doesn't know about.

ParametersfirstValueOneAn object which is expected to compare as equal to secondValueOne and not equal to valueTwo.
secondValueOneA different object than firstValueOne but which is expected to compare equal to that object.
valueTwoAn object which is expected to compare as not equal to firstValueOne.
API Documentation for twisted, generated by pydoctor at 2020-03-25 17:34:30.