A _Warning instance represents one warning emitted through the Python warning system (warnings). This is used to insulate callers of _collectWarnings from changes to the Python warnings system which might otherwise require changes to the warning objects that function passes to the observer object it accepts.

Instance Variable message The string which was passed as the message parameter to warnings.warn.
Instance Variable category The Warning subclass which was passed as the category parameter to warnings.warn.
Instance Variable filename The name of the file containing the definition of the code object which was stacklevel frames above the call to warnings.warn, where stacklevel is the value of the stacklevel parameter passed to warnings.warn.
Instance Variable lineno The source line associated with the active instruction of the code object object which was stacklevel frames above the call to warnings.warn, where stacklevel is the value of the stacklevel parameter passed to warnings.warn.
Method __init__ Undocumented
message =
The string which was passed as the message parameter to warnings.warn.
category =
The Warning subclass which was passed as the category parameter to warnings.warn.
filename =
The name of the file containing the definition of the code object which was stacklevel frames above the call to warnings.warn, where stacklevel is the value of the stacklevel parameter passed to warnings.warn.
lineno =
The source line associated with the active instruction of the code object object which was stacklevel frames above the call to warnings.warn, where stacklevel is the value of the stacklevel parameter passed to warnings.warn.
def __init__(self, message, category, filename, lineno):
API Documentation for twisted, generated by pydoctor at 2020-03-25 17:34:30.