class documentationtwisted.web.error
(View In Hierarchy)
A request resulted in an HTTP redirect.
Instance Variable | location | The location of the redirect which was not followed. (type: bytes ) |
Method | __init__ | Initializes a page redirect exception. |
Inherited from Error:
Instance Variable | status | Refers to an HTTP status code, for example http.NOT_FOUND . (type: bytes ) |
Instance Variable | response | A complete HTML document for an error page. (type: bytes ) |
Method | __str__ | Undocumented |
Initializes a page redirect exception.
Parameters | code | Refers to an HTTP status code, for example http.NOT_FOUND . If
no message is given, code is mapped to a
descriptive string that is used instead. (type: bytes ) |
message | A short error message, for example "NOT FOUND". (type: bytes ) | |
response | A complete HTML document for an error page. (type: bytes ) | |
location | The location response-header field value. It is an absolute URI used to
redirect the receiver to a location other than the Request-URI so the
request can be completed. (type: bytes ) |