Known subclasses: twisted.web.microdom.CharacterData, twisted.web.microdom.Document, twisted.web.microdom.Element, twisted.web.microdom.EntityReference

No class docstring
Method __init__ Undocumented
Method isEqualToNode Compare this node to other. If the nodes have the same number of children and corresponding children are equal to each other, return True, otherwise return False.
Method writexml Undocumented
Method toxml Undocumented
Method writeprettyxml Undocumented
Method toprettyxml Undocumented
Method cloneNode Undocumented
Method hasChildNodes Undocumented
Method appendChild Make the given Node the last child of this node.
Method insertBefore Make the given Node new a child of this node which comes before the Node ref.
Method removeChild Remove the given Node from this node's children.
Method replaceChild Replace a Node which is already a child of this node with a different node.
Method lastChild Undocumented
Method firstChild Undocumented
def isEqualToNode(self, other):

Compare this node to other. If the nodes have the same number of children and corresponding children are equal to each other, return True, otherwise return False.

Returns (type: bool)
def writexml(self, stream, indent='', addindent='', newl='', strip=0, nsprefixes={}, namespace=''):
def toxml(self, indent='', addindent='', newl='', strip=0, nsprefixes={}, namespace=''):
def writeprettyxml(self, stream, indent='', addindent=' ', newl='\n', strip=0):
def toprettyxml(self, indent='', addindent=' ', newl='\n', strip=0):
def hasChildNodes(self):
def appendChild(self, child):

Make the given Node the last child of this node.

ParameterschildThe Node which will become a child of this node.
RaisesTypeErrorIf child is not a Node instance.
def insertBefore(self, new, ref):

Make the given Node new a child of this node which comes before the Node ref.

ParametersnewA Node which will become a child of this node.
refA Node which is already a child of this node which new will be inserted before.
RaisesTypeErrorIf new or ref is not a Node instance.
def removeChild(self, child):

Remove the given Node from this node's children.

ParameterschildA Node which is a child of this node which will no longer be a child of this node after this method is called.
RaisesTypeErrorIf child is not a Node instance.
def replaceChild(self, newChild, oldChild):

Replace a Node which is already a child of this node with a different node.

ParametersnewChildA Node which will be made a child of this node.
oldChildA Node which is a child of this node which will give up its position to newChild.
RaisesTypeErrorIf newChild or oldChild is not a Node instance.
ValueErrorIf oldChild is not a child of this Node.
def lastChild(self):
def firstChild(self):
API Documentation for twisted, generated by pydoctor at 2020-03-25 17:34:30.