class documentationtwisted.web.proxy
(View In Hierarchy)
This class implements a simple web proxy.
Since it inherits from twisted.web.http.HTTPChannel
to use it you should do something like this:
from twisted.web import http f = http.HTTPFactory() f.protocol = Proxy
Make the HTTPFactory a listener on a port as per usual, and you have a fully-functioning web proxy!
Inherited from HTTPChannel:
Instance Variable | MAX_LENGTH | Maximum length for initial request line and each line from the header. |
Instance Variable | maxHeaders | Maximum number of headers allowed per request. (type: int ) |
Instance Variable | totalHeadersSize | Maximum bytes for request line plus all headers from the request. (type: int ) |
Instance Variable | abortTimeout | The number of seconds to wait after we attempt to shut the transport down
cleanly to give up and forcibly terminate it. This is only used when we
time a connection out, to prevent errors causing the FD to get leaked. If
this is None ,
we will wait forever. (type: int ) |
Method | __init__ | Undocumented |
Method | connectionMade | Called when a connection is made. |
Method | lineReceived | Called for each line from request until the end of headers when it enters binary mode. |
Method | headerReceived | Do pre-processing (for content-length) and store this header away. Enforce the per-request header limit. |
Method | allContentReceived | Undocumented |
Method | dataReceived | Data was received from the network. Process it. |
Method | rawDataReceived | Override this for when raw data is received. |
Method | allHeadersReceived | Undocumented |
Method | checkPersistence | Check if the channel should close or not. |
Method | requestDone | Called by first request in queue when it is done. |
Method | timeoutConnection | Called when the connection times out. |
Method | forceAbortClient | No summary |
Method | connectionLost | Called when the connection is shut down. |
Method | isSecure | Return True
if this channel is using a secure transport. |
Method | writeHeaders | Called by Request objects to
write a complete set of HTTP headers to a transport. |
Method | write | Called by Request objects to
write response data. |
Method | writeSequence | Write a list of strings to the HTTP response. |
Method | getPeer | Get the remote address of this connection. |
Method | getHost | Get the local address of this connection. |
Method | loseConnection | Closes the connection. Will write any data that is pending to be sent on the network, but if this response has not yet been written to the network will not write anything. |
Method | registerProducer | Register to receive data from a producer. |
Method | unregisterProducer | Stop consuming data from a producer, without disconnecting. |
Method | stopProducing | Stop producing data. |
Method | pauseProducing | Pause producing data. |
Method | resumeProducing | Resume producing data. |
Instance Variable | _transferDecoder | None
or a decoder instance if the request body uses the chunked
Transfer-Encoding. (type: _ChunkedTransferDecoder ) |
Instance Variable | _receivedHeaderSize | Bytes received so far for the header. (type: int ) |
Instance Variable | _handlingRequest | Whether a request is currently being processed. (type: bool ) |
Instance Variable | _dataBuffer | Any data that has been received from the connection while processing an
outstanding request. (type: list
of bytes ) |
Instance Variable | _networkProducer | Either the transport, if it provides interfaces.IPushProducer ,
or a null implementation of interfaces.IPushProducer .
Used to attempt to prevent the transport from producing excess data when
we're responding to a request. (type: interfaces.IPushProducer ) |
Instance Variable | _requestProducer | If the Request
object or anything it calls registers itself as an interfaces.IProducer ,
it will be stored here. This is used to create a producing pipeline:
pause/resume producing methods will be propagated from the
transport , through the HTTPChannel
instance, to the c{_requestProducer}.
The reason we proxy through the producing methods rather than the old
behaviour (where we literally just set the interfaces.IPushProducer ) |
Instance Variable | _requestProducerStreaming | A boolean that tracks whether the producer on the Request side of this
channel has registered itself as a interfaces.IPushProducer
or an interfaces.IPullProducer . (type: bool
or None ) |
Instance Variable | _waitingForTransport | A boolean that tracks whether the transport has asked us to stop producing.
This is used to keep track of what we're waiting for: if the transport has
asked us to stop producing then we don't want to unpause the transport
until it asks us to produce again. (type: bool ) |
Instance Variable | _abortingCall | The twisted.internet.base.DelayedCall
that will be used to forcibly close the transport if it doesn't close
cleanly. (type: twisted.internet.base.DelayedCall ) |
Instance Variable | _optimisticEagerReadSize | When a resource takes a long time to answer a request (via twisted.web.server.NOT_DONE_YET ,
hopefully one day by a Deferred ), we
would like to be able to let that resource know about the underlying
transport disappearing as promptly as possible, via Request.notifyFinish ,
and therefore via self.requests[...].connectionLost() on this
HTTPChannel .
However, in order to simplify application logic, we implement head-of-line blocking, and do not relay pipelined requests to the application until the previous request has been answered. This means that said application cannot dispose of any entity-body that comes in from those subsequent requests, which may be arbitrarily large, and it may need to be buffered in memory. To implement this tradeoff between prompt notification when possible (in
the most frequent case of non-pipelined requests) and correct behavior when
not (say, if a client sends a very long-running GET request followed by a
PUT request with a very large body) we will continue reading pipelined
requests into
This behavior has been in place since Twisted 17.9.0 . (type:int ) |
Method | _finishRequestBody | Undocumented |
Method | _maybeChooseTransferDecoder | If the provided header is content-length or
transfer-encoding , choose the appropriate decoder if any. |
Method | _send100Continue | Sends a 100 Continue response, used to signal to clients that further processing will be performed. |
Method | _respondToBadRequestAndDisconnect | This is a quick and dirty way of responding to bad requests. |
Inherited from LineReceiver (via HTTPChannel):
Class Variable | delimiter | The line-ending delimiter to use. By default this is b'\r\n' . |
Method | clearLineBuffer | Clear buffered data. |
Method | setLineMode | Sets the line-mode of this receiver. |
Method | setRawMode | Sets the raw mode of this receiver. Further data received will be sent to rawDataReceived rather than lineReceived. |
Method | sendLine | Sends a line to the other end of the connection. |
Method | lineLengthExceeded | Called when the maximum line length has been reached. Override if it needs to be dealt with in some special way. |
Inherited from Protocol (via HTTPChannel, LineReceiver):
Method | logPrefix | Return a prefix matching the class name, to identify log messages related to this protocol instance. |
Inherited from BaseProtocol (via HTTPChannel, LineReceiver, Protocol):
Method | makeConnection | Make a connection to a transport and a server. |
Inherited from TimeoutMixin (via HTTPChannel):
Class Variable | timeOut | The number of seconds after which to timeout the connection. |
Method | callLater | Wrapper around reactor.callLater
for test purpose. |
Method | resetTimeout | Reset the timeout count down. |
Method | setTimeout | Change the timeout period |
Method | __timedOut | Undocumented |