class documentationtwisted.web.test.test_http
(View In Hierarchy)
Known subclasses: twisted.web.test.test_http.ChunkingTests, twisted.web.test.test_http.Expect100ContinueServerTests, twisted.web.test.test_http.HTTP1_0Tests, twisted.web.test.test_http.PipeliningBodyTests, twisted.web.test.test_http.RequestTests
A mixin that provides a simple means of comparing an actual response string to an expected response string by performing the minimal parsing.
Method | assertResponseEquals | Assert that the responses matches the expected
responses. |
Assert that the responses
matches the expected
Parameters | responses | The bytes sent in response to one or more requests. (type: bytes ) |
expected | The expected values for the responses. Each tuple element of the list
represents one response. Each byte string element of the tuple is a full
header line without delimiter, except for the last element which gives the
full response body. (type: list of tuple of bytes ) |