A class containing lots of helper methods and state to build frames. This allows test cases to easily build correct HTTP/2 frames to feed to hyper-h2.

Method __init__ Undocumented
Method refreshEncoder Undocumented
Method clientConnectionPreface Undocumented
Method buildHeadersFrame Builds a single valid headers frame out of the contained headers.
Method buildDataFrame Builds a single data frame out of a chunk of data.
Method buildSettingsFrame Builds a single settings frame.
Method buildWindowUpdateFrame Builds a single WindowUpdate frame.
Method buildGoAwayFrame Builds a single GOAWAY frame.
Method buildRstStreamFrame Builds a single RST_STREAM frame.
Method buildPriorityFrame Builds a single priority frame.
Method buildPushPromiseFrame Builds a single Push Promise frame.
def __init__(self):
def refreshEncoder(self):
def clientConnectionPreface(self):
def buildHeadersFrame(self, headers, flags=[], streamID=1, **priorityKwargs):

Builds a single valid headers frame out of the contained headers.

def buildDataFrame(self, data, flags=None, streamID=1):

Builds a single data frame out of a chunk of data.

def buildSettingsFrame(self, settings, ack=False):

Builds a single settings frame.

def buildWindowUpdateFrame(self, streamID, increment):

Builds a single WindowUpdate frame.

def buildGoAwayFrame(self, lastStreamID, errorCode=0, additionalData=''):

Builds a single GOAWAY frame.

def buildRstStreamFrame(self, streamID, errorCode=0):

Builds a single RST_STREAM frame.

def buildPriorityFrame(self, streamID, weight, dependsOn=0, exclusive=False):

Builds a single priority frame.

def buildPushPromiseFrame(self, streamID, promisedStreamID, headers, flags=[]):

Builds a single Push Promise frame.

API Documentation for twisted, generated by pydoctor at 2020-03-25 17:34:30.