An element that raises an exception when rendered.

Method render Implement IRenderable to allow one Element to be embedded in another's template or rendering output.

Inherited from Element:

Instance Variable loader The factory which will be used to load documents to return from render. (type: ITemplateLoader provider)
Method __init__ Undocumented
Method lookupRenderMethod Look up and return the named render method.
def render(self, request):

Implement IRenderable to allow one Element to be embedded in another's template or rendering output.

(This will simply load the template from the loader; when used in a template, the flattening engine will keep track of this object separately as the object to lookup renderers on and call Element.renderer to look them up. The resulting object from this method is not directly associated with this Element.)

API Documentation for twisted, generated by pydoctor at 2020-03-25 17:34:30.