Known subclasses: twisted.web.test.test_template.XMLFileWithFilenameTests, twisted.web.test.test_template.XMLFileWithFilePathTests, twisted.web.test.test_template.XMLFileWithFileTests, twisted.web.test.test_template.XMLStringLoaderTests

Instance Variable templateString Simple template to use to exercise the loaders.
Instance Variable deprecatedUse True if this use of XMLFile is deprecated and should emit a DeprecationWarning.
Method test_load Verify that the loader returns a tag with the correct children.
Method test_loadTwice If {load()} can be called on a loader twice the result should be the same.
templateString =
Simple template to use to exercise the loaders.
deprecatedUse =
True if this use of XMLFile is deprecated and should emit a DeprecationWarning.
def test_load(self):

Verify that the loader returns a tag with the correct children.

def test_loadTwice(self):

If {load()} can be called on a loader twice the result should be the same.

API Documentation for twisted, generated by pydoctor at 2020-03-25 17:34:30.