Tests for various parts of twisted.web
Class | ResourceTests | Undocumented |
Class | SimpleResource | |
Class | ZeroLengthResource | A resource that always returns a zero-length response. |
Class | NoContentResource | A resource that always returns a 204 No Content response without setting Content-Length. |
Class | SiteTest | Unit tests for server.Site . |
Class | SessionTests | Tests for server.Session . |
Function | httpBody | Undocumented |
Function | httpHeader | Undocumented |
Function | httpCode | Undocumented |
Class | ConditionalTests | web.server's handling of conditional requests for cache validation. |
Class | RequestTests | Tests for the HTTP request class, server.Request . |
Class | GzipEncoderTests | No class docstring; 7/8 methods documented |
Class | RootResource | Undocumented |
Class | RememberURLTests | Tests for server.Site 's root
request URL calculation. |
Class | NewRenderResource | Undocumented |
Class | HeadlessResource | A resource that implements GET but not HEAD. |
Class | NewRenderTests | Tests for server.Request.render . |
Class | GettableResource | Used by AllowedMethodsTests to simulate an allowed method. |
Class | AllowedMethodsTests | 'twisted.web.resource._computeAllowedMethods is provided by
a default should the subclass not provide the method. |
Class | DummyRequestForLogTest | No class docstring; 1/1 methods documented |
Class | AccessLogTestsMixin | A mixin for TestCase
subclasses defining tests that apply to HTTPFactory and
its subclasses. |
Class | HTTPFactoryAccessLogTests | Tests for http.HTTPFactory.log . |
Class | SiteAccessLogTests | Tests for server.Site.log . |
Class | CombinedLogFormatterTests | Tests for twisted.web.http.combinedLogFormatter . |
Class | ProxiedLogFormatterTests | Tests for twisted.web.http.proxiedLogFormatter . |
Class | LogEscapingTests | No class docstring; 7/8 methods documented |
Class | ServerAttributesTests | Tests that deprecated twisted.web.server attributes raise the appropriate deprecation warnings when used. |
Class | ExplicitHTTPFactoryReactor | http.HTTPFactory
accepts explicit reactor selection. |