Version: 2019.1 (switch to 2018.3 or 2017.4)
Scriptable Brushes
Tilemap Collider 2D
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Painting on Tilemaps

The following details the steps and tools for painting TilesA simple class that allows a sprite to be rendered on a Tilemap. More info
See in Glossary
on a TilemapA GameObject that allows you to quickly create 2D levels using tiles and a grid overlay. More info
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. However, if you are painting an Isometric Tilemap, refer to Creating a Tile Palette for an Isometric Tilemap for specific steps and information.

To begin painting Tiles, select the Tilemap to paint on from the Active Tilemap dropdown found in the Tilemap Palette window. Tilemaps created in the SceneA Scene contains the environments and menus of your game. Think of each unique Scene file as a unique level. In each Scene, you place your environments, obstacles, and decorations, essentially designing and building your game in pieces. More info
See in Glossary
hierarchy are automatically added to the dropdown menu. Only the selected Active Tilemap is affected by the Tile Palette painting tools.

Tilemap painting tools are found in a row at the top of the Tile Palette window. These tools are also used to edit the Tile Palette itself.

Painting Tool Shortcuts

Tool Shortcut Key
Select Tool S
Move Tool M
Paintbrush Tool B
Fill Box Tool U
Picker Tool I
Eraser Tool D; or hold Shift while using the Brush Tool or Fill Box Tool.
Fill Tool G


Select Tool

Use the Select Tool to select a Tile on the Active Tilemap or hold and drag over multiple Tiles to select more at once. The property details of selected Tiles are shown in the InspectorA Unity window that displays information about the currently selected GameObject, Asset or Project Settings, alowing you to inspect and edit the values. More info
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Window. Use the Move Tool to move selected Tile(s) to a different position on the Tilemap.

Selecting a Tile on the Tilemap with the Select Tool
Selecting a Tile on the Tilemap with the Select Tool

Move Tool

Use the Move Tool to hold and drag selected Tiles to another position on the Tilemap.

The Move Tool
The Move Tool

Paintbrush Tool

Use the Paintbrush Tool to select a Tile in the Tilemap Palette, or hold and drag over multiple Tiles to select more at once. Then click on any location on the Tilemap in the Scene to begin painting with your selected Tiles. Hold Shift while using the Paintbrush Tool to toggle to the Eraser Tool

The Paintbrush Tool
The Paintbrush Tool

To select and paint with Tiles that are already on the Tilemap instead of the Tilemap Palette, hold Ctrl as you select Tiles on the Tilemap with the Paintbrush Tool. This briefly switches it to the Picker Tool to select the Tiles for painting.

Fill Box Tool

Use the Fill Box Tool__ to select a Tile in the Tilemap Palette, or hold and drag over multiple Tiles to select more at once. Selections made with the other painting tools are also valid.

Hold and drag Rectangle Tool over the Tilemap to draw a rectangular shape, which is filled with the selected Tile(s).

The Rectangle Tool
The Rectangle Tool

Picker Tool

Use the Picker Tool to pick a Tile from the Tilemap or Tilemap palette; hold and drag over multiple Tiles to select more at once. The active tool switches to the Paintbrush Tool once a selection is made, to allow you to paint immediately on the Tilemap with the selected Tile(s).

The Picker Tool
The Picker Tool

Eraser Tool

Use the Eraser Tool to erase Tiles from the Tilemap by selecting them while the tool is enabled. To erase a larger area at once, hold and drag the Eraser Tool to the desired size in the Tilemap Palette, then

The Rectangle Tool
The Rectangle Tool

Fill Tool

The Fill Tool is used to fill a contiguous area of the same Tile or empty cells with the selected Tile. Select the Tile to use as the Fill by selecting it from the Tilemap Palette. Multiple Tiles cannot be selected for this Tool.

The Fill Tool
The Fill Tool
Continguous Tiles are replaced by the selected Tile.
Continguous Tiles are replaced by the selected Tile.

Tilemap Focus mode

Use the Tilemap Focus mode to focus on a specific Tilemap or Grid GameObject, and fade out other GameObjectsThe fundamental object in Unity scenes, which can represent characters, props, scenery, cameras, waypoints, and more. A GameObject’s functionality is defined by the Components attached to it. More info
See in Glossary
in the Scene. This is useful when working with mutilple Tilemap layers to avoid confusion and clutter.

First select the target Tilemap from the Active Target dropdown in the Tilemap Palette window or from the Hierarchy window. The Tilmap Focus On dropdown menu is found at the bottom right of the Scene ViewAn interactive view into the world you are creating. You use the Scene View to select and position scenery, characters, cameras, lights, and all other types of Game Object. More info
See in Glossary

Select the Focus On target from the options in the dropdown menu:

Target Function
None No target is selected.
Tilemap The selected Tilemap GameObject is focused. All other GameObjects are faded. Select this option to focus solely on a single Tilemap layer.
Grid The parent Grid GameObject and all its children is focused. All other GameObjects are faded. Select this option to focus on the entire Tilemap with all layers as a whole.

  • Tilemaps added in 2017.2 NewIn20172

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Scriptable Brushes
Tilemap Collider 2D