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Cluster Services Counters

Performance counters are modeled using the PerfCounterInfo data object type. Each instance of a PerfCounterInfo data object contains metadata about a specific metric available from the system. The cluster-services group (clusterServices) of performance counters tracks performance metrics for clusters that have been configured using vSphere DRS (Distributed Resource Scheduler), vSphere HA (High Availability), or both.

Counter StatsType Unit Level Per
RollupType Label Instance/
cpufairness absolutenumber13latest CPU fairness
Fairness of distributed CPU resource allocation.
effectivecpu ratemegaHertz13average Effective CPU resources
Total available CPU resources of all hosts within a cluster. Effective CPU = Aggregate host CPU capacity - (VMkernel CPU + Service Console CPU + other service CPU)
effectivemem absolutemegaBytes13average Effective memory resources
Total amount of machine memory of all hosts in the cluster that is available for use for virtual machine memory (physical memory for use by the Guest OS) and virtual machine overhead memory. Effective Memory = Aggregate host machine memory - (VMkernel memory + Service Console memory + other service memory)
failover absolutenumber13latest Current failover level
vSphere HA number of failures that can be tolerated
memfairness absolutenumber13latest Memory fairness
Aggregate available memory resources of all the hosts within a cluster


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