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vCenter Server Resource Counters

Performance counters are modeled using the PerfCounterInfo data object type. Each instance of a PerfCounterInfo data object contains metadata about a specific metric available from the system. The vCenter Server Resources group (vcResources) of performance counters tracks performance metrics for vCenter Server resources.

Counter StatsType Unit Level Per
RollupType Label
buffersz absolutekiloBytes44average
cachesz absolutekiloBytes44average
ctxswitchesrate ratenumber11average Context switch rate
Number of context switches per second on the system where vCenter Server is running
diskreadsectorrate ratenumber44average
diskreadsrate ratenumber11average Disk read rate
Number of disk reads per second on the system where vCenter Server is running
diskwritesectorrate ratenumber44average
diskwritesrate ratenumber11average Disk write rate
Number of disk writes per second on the system where vCenter Server is running
packetrecvrate ratenumber11average Received packet rate
Rate of the number of total packets received per second on the system where vCenter Server is running
packetsentrate ratenumber11average Sent packet rate
Number of total packets sent per second on the system where vCenter Server is running
pagefaultrate ratenumber11average Page fault rate
Number of page faults per second on the system where vCenter Server is running
physicalmemusage absolutekiloBytes11average Physical memory
Physical memory used by vCenter
priviledgedcpuusage ratepercent11average CPU privileged
CPU used by vCenter Server in privileged mode
syscallsrate ratenumber11average System call rate
Number of systems calls made per second on the system where vCenter Server is running
systemcpuusage ratepercent11average CPU system
Total system CPU used on the system where vCenter Server in running
usercpuusage ratepercent11average CPU user
CPU used by vCenter Server in user mode
virtualmemusage absolutekiloBytes11average Virtual memory
Virtual memory used by vCenter Server


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