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Data Object - DatastoreSummary(vim.Datastore.Summary)

Property of
Datastore, HostDatastoreConnectInfo, VirtualMachineDatastoreInfo
See also

Data Object Description

Summary information about the datastore. The status fields and managed object reference is not set when an object of this type is created. These fields and references are typically set later when these objects are associated with a host.


Name Type Description

The connectivity status of this datastore. If this is set to false, meaning the datastore is not accessible, this datastore's capacity and freespace properties cannot be validated. Furthermore, if this property is set to false, some of the properties in this summary and in DatastoreInfo should not be used. Refer to the documentation for the property of your interest. For datastores accessed from multiple hosts, vCenter Server reports accessible as an aggregated value of the properties reported in MountInfo. For instance, if a datastore is accessible through a subset of hosts, then the value of accessible will be reported as true by vCenter Server. And the reason for a daastore being inaccessible from a host will be reported in inaccessibleReason

Maximum capacity of this datastore, in bytes. This value is updated periodically by the server. It can be explicitly refreshed with the Refresh operation. This property is guaranteed to be valid only if accessible is true.
to a Datastore

The reference to the managed object.

Available space of this datastore, in bytes. The server periodically updates this value. It can be explicitly refreshed with the Refresh operation. This property is guaranteed to be valid only if accessible is true.

The current maintenance mode state of the datastore. The set of possible values is described in DatastoreSummaryMaintenanceModeState.

Since vSphere API 5.0

More than one host in the datacenter has been configured with access to the datastore. This is only provided by VirtualCenter.

The name of the datastore.

Type of file system volume, such as VMFS or NFS.
See type


Total additional storage space, in bytes, potentially used by all virtual machines on this datastore. The server periodically updates this value. It can be explicitly refreshed with the RefreshDatastoreStorageInfo operation. This property is valid only if accessible is true.

Since vSphere API 4.0

The unique locator for the datastore. This property is guaranteed to be valid only if accessible is true.
Properties inherited from DynamicData
*Need not be set
Show WSDL type definition


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