Managed Object -
- Property of
ClusterAttemptedVmInfo, ManagedEntity, ScheduledTaskInfo, StoragePlacementResult, TaskInfo, TaskInProgress, TaskManager, VsanUpgradeSystemUpgradeHistoryItem
- Returned by
AddDisks_Task, AddDVPortgroup_Task, AddHost_Task, AddStandaloneHost_Task, ApplyEntitiesConfig_Task, ApplyHostConfig_Task, ApplyStorageDrsRecommendation_Task, ApplyStorageDrsRecommendationToPod_Task, AttachDisk_Task, AttachScsiLunEx_Task, CertMgrRefreshCACertificatesAndCRLs_Task, CertMgrRefreshCertificates_Task, CertMgrRevokeCertificates_Task, CheckAddHostEvc_Task, CheckAnswerFileStatus_Task, CheckCompatibility_Task, CheckCompliance_Task, CheckConfigureEvcMode_Task, CheckHostPatch_Task, CheckMigrate_Task, CheckProfileCompliance_Task, CheckRelocate_Task, CloneVApp_Task, CloneVM_Task, CloneVStorageObject_Task, ConfigureDatastoreIORM_Task, ConfigureEvcMode_Task, ConfigureHostCache_Task, ConfigureStorageDrsForPod_Task, configureVcha_Task, ConfigureVFlashResourceEx_Task, ConsolidateVMDisks_Task, CopyDatastoreFile_Task, CopyVirtualDisk_Task, CreateChildVM_Task, CreateDisk_Task, CreateDVPortgroup_Task, CreateDVS_Task, createPassiveNode_Task, CreateScreenshot_Task, CreateSecondaryVM_Task, CreateSecondaryVMEx_Task, CreateSnapshot_Task, CreateSnapshotEx_Task, CreateVirtualDisk_Task, CreateVM_Task, createWitnessNode_Task, CustomizeVM_Task, DatastoreExitMaintenanceMode_Task, DefragmentVirtualDisk_Task, DeleteDatastoreFile_Task, DeleteVirtualDisk_Task, DeleteVStorageObject_Task, deployVcha_Task, Destroy_Task, destroyVcha_Task, DetachDisk_Task, DetachScsiLunEx_Task, DisableEvcMode_Task, DisableSecondaryVM_Task, DisconnectHost_Task, DVPortgroupRollback_Task, DVSManagerExportEntity_Task, DVSManagerImportEntity_Task, DvsReconfigureVmVnicNetworkResourcePool_Task, DVSRollback_Task, EagerZeroVirtualDisk_Task, EnableSecondaryVM_Task, EnterMaintenanceMode_Task, EstimateStorageForConsolidateSnapshots_Task, EvacuateVsanNode_Task, ExitMaintenanceMode_Task, ExportAnswerFile_Task, ExtendDisk_Task, ExtendVirtualDisk_Task, GenerateHostConfigTaskSpec_Task, GenerateHostProfileTaskList_Task, GenerateLogBundles_Task, HostCloneVStorageObject_Task, HostCreateDisk_Task, HostDeleteVStorageObject_Task, HostExtendDisk_Task, HostInflateDisk_Task, HostReconcileDatastoreInventory_Task, HostRelocateVStorageObject_Task, ImportCertificateForCAM_Task, InflateDisk_Task, InflateVirtualDisk_Task, InitializeDisks_Task, initiateFailover_Task, InstallHostPatch_Task, InstallHostPatchV2_Task, InstallIoFilter_Task, JoinDomain_Task, JoinDomainWithCAM_Task, LeaveCurrentDomain_Task, MakePrimaryVM_Task, MarkAsLocal_Task, MarkAsNonLocal_Task, MarkAsNonSsd_Task, MarkAsSsd_Task, MergeDvs_Task, MigrateVM_Task, MountVmfsVolumeEx_Task, MoveDatastoreFile_Task, MoveDVPort_Task, MoveHostInto_Task, MoveInto_Task, MoveIntoFolder_Task, MoveVirtualDisk_Task, PerformDvsProductSpecOperation_Task, PerformVsanUpgrade_Task, PowerDownHostToStandBy_Task, PowerOffVApp_Task, PowerOffVM_Task, PowerOnMultiVM_Task, PowerOnVApp_Task, PowerOnVM_Task, PowerUpHostFromStandBy_Task, prepareVcha_Task, PromoteDisks_Task, QueryHostPatch_Task, QueryVMotionCompatibilityEx_Task, RebootHost_Task, RecommissionVsanNode_Task, ReconcileDatastoreInventory_Task, ReconfigureCluster_Task, ReconfigureComputeResource_Task, ReconfigureDatacenter_Task, ReconfigureDVPort_Task, ReconfigureDVPortgroup_Task, ReconfigureDvs_Task, ReconfigureHostForDAS_Task, ReconfigVM_Task, ReconnectHost_Task, RectifyDvsHost_Task, RectifyDvsOnHost_Task, RegisterChildVM_Task, RegisterVM_Task, reloadVirtualMachineFromPath_Task, RelocateVM_Task, RelocateVStorageObject_Task, RemoveAllSnapshots_Task, RemoveDatastoreEx_Task, RemoveDisk_Task, RemoveDiskMapping_Task, RemoveSnapshot_Task, Rename_Task, ResetVM_Task, ResignatureUnresolvedVmfsVolume_Task, ResolveInstallationErrorsOnCluster_Task, ResolveInstallationErrorsOnHost_Task, ResolveMultipleUnresolvedVmfsVolumesEx_Task, RetrieveKmipServersStatus_Task, RevertToCurrentSnapshot_Task, RevertToSnapshot_Task, ScanHostPatch_Task, ScanHostPatchV2_Task, SearchDatastore_Task, SearchDatastoreSubFolders_Task, setClusterMode_Task, ShrinkVirtualDisk_Task, ShutdownHost_Task, StageHostPatch_Task, StampAllRulesWithUuid_Task, StartRecording_Task, StartReplaying_Task, StopRecording_Task, StopReplaying_Task, SuspendVApp_Task, SuspendVM_Task, TerminateFaultTolerantVM_Task, TurnDiskLocatorLedOff_Task, TurnDiskLocatorLedOn_Task, TurnOffFaultToleranceForVM_Task, UninstallHostPatch_Task, UninstallIoFilter_Task, UnmapVmfsVolumeEx_Task, UnmountDiskMapping_Task, UnmountVmfsVolumeEx_Task, UnregisterAndDestroy_Task, unregisterVApp_Task, UpdateAnswerFile_Task, UpdateDVSHealthCheckConfig_Task, UpdateDVSLacpGroupConfig_Task, UpdateHostCustomizations_Task, UpdateVirtualMachineFiles_Task, UpdateVsan_Task, UpdateVVolVirtualMachineFiles_Task, UpgradeIoFilter_Task, UpgradeTools_Task, UpgradeVM_Task, ZeroFillVirtualDisk_Task
- Extends
- See also
LocalizableMessage, MethodFault, TaskInfo, TaskInfoState
Managed Object Description
A task is used to monitor and potentially cancel long
running operations.
Cancels a running or queued task. A task may only be canceled if it is
cancelable. Multiple cancel requests will be treated as a single
cancelation request. Canceling a completed or already canceled task
will throw an InvalidState exception.
If a task is canceled, its runtime state will be set to error and its
error state will be set to RequestCanceled.
A cancel operation is asynchronous. The operation may return before
the task is canceled.
- Required Privileges
- Global.CancelTask
Return Value
InvalidState | Thrown if the task is already canceled or completed. |
NotSupported | Thrown if the task is not cancelable. |
RuntimeFault | Thrown if any type of runtime fault is thrown that is not covered by the other faults; for example, a communication error. |
Show WSDL type definition
Updates task description to describe the current phase of the task.
- Required Privileges
- Task.Update
- Since
- vSphere API 4.0
Return Value
RuntimeFault | Thrown if any type of runtime fault is thrown that is not covered by the other faults; for example, a communication error. |
Show WSDL type definition
Sets task state and optionally sets results or fault,
as appropriate for state
- Required Privileges
- Task.Update
- Since
- VI API 2.5
Name | Type | Description |
_this | ManagedObjectReference |
A reference to the
used to make the method call.
state | TaskInfoState |
New state for task
result | xsd:anyType |
Result to set, valid only if task state is
fault | MethodFault |
Fault to set, valid only if task state is
error. The fault must be a of a fault type that
directly or indirectly extends VimFault.
Return Value
InvalidState | Thrown if attempting to change states after task is completed or in error, or attempting to set the result or fault incorrectly |
RuntimeFault | Thrown if any type of runtime fault is thrown that is not covered by the other faults; for example, a communication error. |
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Sets percentage done for this task and recalculates overall
percentage done. If a percentDone value of less than zero or
greater than 100 is specified, a value of zero or 100
respectively is used.
- Required Privileges
- Task.Update
- Since
- VI API 2.5
Name | Type | Description |
_this | ManagedObjectReference |
A reference to the
used to make the method call.
percentDone | xsd:int |
Percentage to set for this task
Return Value
InvalidState | Thrown if task is not running |
OutOfBounds | VirtualCenter 2.x servers throw this fault if percentDone is less than 0 or greater than 100. Newer versions behave as described above, and never throw this fault. |
RuntimeFault | Thrown if any type of runtime fault is thrown that is not covered by the other faults; for example, a communication error. |
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