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Data Object - ClusterDasVmConfigInfo(vim.cluster.DasVmConfigInfo)

Property of
ClusterConfigInfo, ClusterConfigInfoEx, ClusterDasVmConfigSpec
See also
ClusterDasVmSettings, DasVmPriority, VirtualMachine

Data Object Description

The ClusterDasVmConfigInfo data object contains the HA configuration for a single virtual machine.

All fields are optional. If you set the modify parameter to true when you call ReconfigureComputeResource_Task, an unset property has no effect on the existing property value in the cluster configuration on the Server. If you set the modify parameter to false when you reconfigure a cluster, the cluster configuration is reverted to the default values, then the new configuration values are applied.


Name Type Description

HA settings that apply to this virtual machine.

Values specified in this object override the cluster-wide defaults for virtual machines (defaultVmSettings).

Since VI API 2.5
to a VirtualMachine

Reference to the virtual machine.
powerOffOnIsolation*xsd:booleanDeprecated. As of VI API 2.5, use dasSettings.isolationResponse. If you specify both powerOffOnIsolation and isolationResponse, the value in isolationResponse has precedence.

Flag to indicate whether or not the virtual machine should be powered off if a host determines that it is isolated from the rest of the compute resource.

If there is nothing specified here, then the defaults are picked up from defaultVmSettings.

restartPriority*DasVmPriorityDeprecated. As of VI API 2.5, use dasSettings.restartPriority. If you specify restartPriority here and in ClusterDasVmSettings, the value in ClusterDasVmSettings has precedence.

Restart priority for a virtual machine.

If there is nothing specified here, then the defaults are picked up from defaultVmSettings.

Properties inherited from DynamicData
*Need not be set
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