| Local Properties | Local Methods | |
Managed Object Types | Data Object Types | All Properties | All Methods |
Name | Type | Description |
description P | ScheduledTaskDescription |
Static descriptive strings used in scheduled tasks.
scheduledTask* P | ManagedObjectReference[]
to a ScheduledTask[] |
All available scheduled tasks.
Methods defined in this Managed Object |
CreateObjectScheduledTask, CreateScheduledTask, RetrieveEntityScheduledTask, RetrieveObjectScheduledTask |
Name | Type | Description |
_this | ManagedObjectReference | A reference to the ScheduledTaskManager used to make the method call. |
obj P | ManagedObjectReference |
The managed object for which the
scheduled task triggers an action. You can
schedule tasks on any managed object.
spec | ScheduledTaskSpec |
The specification for the new scheduled task.
Return Value
Type | Description |
to a ScheduledTask | The scheduled task created by the operation. |
Type | Description |
DuplicateName | Thrown if a scheduled task with the name already exists. |
InvalidArgument | Thrown if the specification is invalid. |
InvalidName | Thrown if the scheduled task name is empty or too long. |
RuntimeFault | Thrown if any type of runtime fault is thrown that is not covered by the other faults; for example, a communication error. |
Type | |
None |
Name | Type | Description |
_this | ManagedObjectReference | A reference to the ScheduledTaskManager used to make the method call. |
entity P | ManagedObjectReference
to a ManagedEntity |
The managed entity (or entities) for which the
scheduled task triggers an action. You can
schedule tasks on any managed entity. If the
scheduled task is associated with a leaf node in
the inventory tree, it applies only to a single
entity (virtual machine or host). If the
task is associated with a folder, a datacenter, a
compute resource, or a resource pool, it applies to
the virtual machine or host descendants of the entity.
spec | ScheduledTaskSpec |
The specification for the new scheduled task.
Return Value
Type | Description |
to a ScheduledTask | The scheduled task created by the operation. |
Type | Description |
DuplicateName | Thrown if a scheduled task with the name already exists. |
InvalidArgument | Thrown if the specification is invalid. |
InvalidName | Thrown if the scheduled task name is empty or too long. |
RuntimeFault | Thrown if any type of runtime fault is thrown that is not covered by the other faults; for example, a communication error. |
Type | |
None |
Name | Type | Description |
_this | ManagedObjectReference | A reference to the ScheduledTaskManager used to make the method call. |
entity* | ManagedObjectReference
to a ManagedEntity |
The entity. If null, all scheduled tasks are returned
for visible entities.
Return Value
Type | Description |
to a ScheduledTask[] | The scheduled tasks. |
Type | Description |
RuntimeFault | Thrown if any type of runtime fault is thrown that is not covered by the other faults; for example, a communication error. |
Type | |
None |
Name | Type | Description |
_this | ManagedObjectReference | A reference to the ScheduledTaskManager used to make the method call. |
obj* | ManagedObjectReference |
The object. If not specified, all scheduled tasks are returned
for visible entities and visible ManagedObjects.
Return Value
Type | Description |
to a ScheduledTask[] | The scheduled tasks. |
Type | Description |
RuntimeFault | Thrown if any type of runtime fault is thrown that is not covered by the other faults; for example, a communication error. |
Type | |
None |
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Managed Object Types | Data Object Types | All Properties | All Methods |