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Function Reference/paginate comments links


Create pagination links for the comments on the current post.

Basically this is a macro to paginate_links() which sets the functional options of paginate_links() to make it work for comments. But you may use all the parameters of paginate_links() to style the output of paginate_comments_links().


<?php paginate_comments_links$args ?>


(string|array) (optional) Optional args. See paginate_links().
Default: array


<?php $args = array(
	'base' => add_query_arg( 'cpage', '%#%' ),
	'format' => '',
	'total' => $max_page,
	'current' => $page,
	'echo' => true,
	'add_fragment' => '#comments'

Note: Arguments passed in are merged to the defaults, via wp_parse_args.
These arguments are mostly to make the call of paginate_links() work, so be careful if you change them.

Return Values

Markup for pagination links.


Enhanced Comment Display

In version 2.7 WordPress added the Enhanced Comment Display system to make comments.php files much simpler to write and edit. One is the ability to easily break comments into pages so that you don't end up with hundreds of comments all loading on every pageview.

You will need to set up the options in SETTINGS > DISCUSSION for paging to work.

The easiest way to do so is with the following function, which prints out a link to the next and previous comment pages, as well as a numbered list of all the comment pages.


It accepts a query-style list of arguments similar to get_posts() or get_terms().

If you want more control, you can also use the simpler next and previous functions:

next_comments_link($label="", $max_page = 0)



Custom Prev-/Next-links

To modify the Prev- and Next-links, you can use the options 'prev_text' and 'next_text'. These are provided by the function paginate_links().


If you want to use HTML entities in your 'prev_text' or 'next_text', you will have to use the array-based syntax, as it is descriped on the wp_parse_args()-page:

paginate_comments_links( array('prev_text' => '&laquo;', 'next_text' => '&raquo;') )


Change Log

Since: 2.7.0

Source File

paginate_comments_links() is located in wp-includes/link-template.php.


See also index of Function Reference and index of Template Tags.