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Function Reference/wp parse args


wp_parse_args is a generic utility for merging together an array of arguments and an array of default values. It can also be given a URL query type string which will be converted into an array (i.e. "id=5&status=draft").

It is used throughout WordPress to avoid having to worry about the logic of defaults and input, and produces a stable pattern for passing arguments around. Functions like query_posts, wp_list_comments and get_terms are common examples of the simplifying power of wp_parse_args.

Functions that have an $args based setting are able to infinitely expand the number of values that can potentially be passed into them, avoiding the annoyance of super-long function calls because there are too many arguments to keep track of, many of whose only function is to override usually-good defaults on rare occasions.


wp_parse_args() is used inside a function you are defining to process incoming arguments. Below is an example of how wp_parse_args() can merge an array of defaults with an array of mixed arguments.

 * Define the array of defaults
$defaults = array(
	'type' => 'post',
	'before' => "<p>",
	'after' => "</p> \n",
	'echo' => TRUE

 * Parse incoming $args into an array and merge it with $defaults
$args = wp_parse_args( $args, $defaults );


(array/string) (required) Query string or Array of mixed arguments that will override the values in $defaults.
Default: None

Can be passed URL-query style


Or as an array definition

array( 'type' => 'post', 'posts_per_page' => 5, 'cat' => '1' )
(array) (optional) Array of default values that will be overridden by $args


Below is an example function using the wp_parse_args system to manage its single $args argument, which could be given whatever values you wanted. In this case $args stores detailed display overrides, a pattern found in many WordPress functions.

 * Define a new function that uses $args and wp_parse_args()
function explain_parse_args( $args ) {
	$defaults = array (
 		'text' => 'wp_parse_args() merges $args into $defaults',
 		'before' => "<p>",
 		'after' => "</p> \n",
 		'echo' => TRUE
	// Parse incoming $args into an array and merge it with $defaults
	$args = wp_parse_args( $args, $defaults );
	$output = $args['before'] . $args['text'] . $args['after'];
	if (!$echo) 
		return $output;
	echo $output;

 * Run our new function using the defaults (no $args)
 * This would print out: 
 * 	<p>wp_parse_args() merges $args into $defaults</p>

 * Run the function with some options overridden with an array
 * This would echo the output with the modified text and before arguments:
 * 	<p class='specialclass'>A better explanation</p>
explain_parse_args( array (
	'text' => "A better explanation",
	'before' => "<p class='specialclass'>"
) );

 * We can also pass in URL-style string-query and it will be converted
 * This would set $args['echo'] to 1 and $args['text'] to 0	
explain_parse_args( 'echo=1&text=0' );

Change Log

Since: 2.2.0

Source File

wp_parse_args() is located in wp-includes/functions.php.



See also index of Function Reference and index of Template Tags.