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Displays the day of the week on which the currently looped posts have been published (e.g. Friday). This tag must be used within The Loop. To return TODAY's Day of Week instead, use PHP date() function.
To replace this tag, use the_time() with 'l' as the format string:
<?php the_time('l'); ?>
See Formatting Date and Time for information on date and time format string use.
<?php the_weekday() ?>
This tag does not accept any parameters.
<p>This was posted on a <?php the_weekday() ?>.</p>
get_calendar(), get_day_link(), get_month_link(), get_the_date(), get_the_time(), get_year_link(), single_month_title(), the_date(), the_date_xml(), the_modified_date(), get_the_modified_date(), the_modified_time(), get_the_modified_time(), the_time()