wp language plugin <command>

Installs, activates, and manages plugin language packs.


# Install the Dutch plugin language pack.
$ wp language plugin install hello-dolly nl_NL
Success: Language installed.

# Uninstall the Dutch plugin language pack.
$ wp language plugin uninstall hello-dolly nl_NL
Success: Language uninstalled.

# List installed plugin language packages.
$ wp language plugin list --status=installed
| language | english_name | native_name | status    | update    | updated             |
| nl_NL    | Dutch        | Nederlands  | installed | available | 2016-05-13 08:12:50 |

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Name Description
wp language plugin install

Installs a given language for a plugin.

wp language plugin is-installed

Checks if a given language is installed.

wp language plugin list

Lists all available languages for one or more plugins.

wp language plugin uninstall

Uninstalls a given language for a plugin.

wp language plugin update

Updates installed languages for one or more plugins.

Command documentation is regenerated at every release. To add or update an example, please submit a pull request against the corresponding part of the codebase.