paginate_links( string|array $args = '' )
Retrieve paginated link for archive post pages.
Description Description
Technically, the function can be used to create paginated link list for any area. The ‘base’ argument is used to reference the url, which will be used to create the paginated links. The ‘format’ argument is then used for replacing the page number. It is however, most likely and by default, to be used on the archive post pages.
The ‘type’ argument controls format of the returned value. The default is ‘plain’, which is just a string with the links separated by a newline character. The other possible values are either ‘array’ or ‘list’. The ‘array’ value will return an array of the paginated link list to offer full control of display. The ‘list’ value will place all of the paginated links in an unordered HTML list.
The ‘total’ argument is the total amount of pages and is an integer. The ‘current’ argument is the current page number and is also an integer.
An example of the ‘base’ argument is "" and the ‘%_%’ is required. The ‘%_%’ will be replaced by the contents of in the ‘format’ argument. An example for the ‘format’ argument is "?page=%#%" and the ‘%#%’ is also required. The ‘%#%’ will be replaced with the page number.
You can include the previous and next links in the list by setting the ‘prev_next’ argument to true, which it is by default. You can set the previous text, by using the ‘prev_text’ argument. You can set the next text by setting the ‘next_text’ argument.
If the ‘show_all’ argument is set to true, then it will show all of the pages instead of a short list of the pages near the current page. By default, the ‘show_all’ is set to false and controlled by the ‘end_size’ and ‘mid_size’ arguments. The ‘end_size’ argument is how many numbers on either the start and the end list edges, by default is 1. The ‘mid_size’ argument is how many numbers to either side of current page, but not including current page.
It is possible to add query vars to the link by using the ‘add_args’ argument and see add_query_arg() for more information.
The ‘before_page_number’ and ‘after_page_number’ arguments allow users to augment the links themselves. Typically this might be to add context to the numbered links so that screen reader users understand what the links are for. The text strings are added before and after the page number – within the anchor tag.
Parameters Parameters
- $args
(string|array) (Optional) Array or string of arguments for generating paginated links for archives.
- 'base'
(string) Base of the paginated url. - 'format'
(string) Format for the pagination structure. - 'total'
(int) The total amount of pages. Default is the value WP_Query'smax_num_pages
or 1. - 'current'
(int) The current page number. Default is 'paged' query var or 1. - 'aria_current'
(string) The value for the aria-current attribute. Possible values are 'page', 'step', 'location', 'date', 'time', 'true', 'false'. Default is 'page'. - 'show_all'
(bool) Whether to show all pages. Default false. - 'end_size'
(int) How many numbers on either the start and the end list edges. Default 1. - 'mid_size'
(int) How many numbers to either side of the current pages. Default 2. - 'prev_next'
(bool) Whether to include the previous and next links in the list. Default true. - 'prev_text'
(bool) The previous page text. Default '« Previous'. - 'next_text'
(bool) The next page text. Default 'Next »'. - 'type'
(string) Controls format of the returned value. Possible values are 'plain', 'array' and 'list'. Default is 'plain'. - 'add_args'
(array) An array of query args to add. Default false. - 'add_fragment'
(string) A string to append to each link. - 'before_page_number'
(string) A string to appear before the page number. - 'after_page_number'
(string) A string to append after the page number.
Default value: ''
- 'base'
Return Return
(string|array|void) String of page links or array of page links.
Source Source
File: wp-includes/general-template.php
3839 3840 3841 3842 3843 3844 3845 3846 3847 3848 3849 3850 3851 3852 3853 3854 3855 3856 3857 3858 3859 3860 3861 3862 3863 3864 3865 3866 3867 3868 3869 3870 3871 3872 3873 3874 3875 3876 3877 3878 3879 3880 3881 3882 3883 3884 3885 3886 3887 3888 3889 3890 3891 3892 3893 3894 3895 3896 3897 3898 3899 3900 3901 3902 3903 3904 3905 3906 3907 3908 3909 3910 3911 3912 3913 3914 3915 3916 3917 3918 3919 3920 3921 3922 3923 3924 3925 3926 3927 3928 3929 3930 3931 3932 3933 3934 3935 3936 3937 3938 3939 3940 3941 3942 3943 3944 3945 3946 3947 3948 3949 3950 3951 3952 3953 3954 3955 3956 3957 3958 3959 3960 3961 3962 3963 3964 3965 3966 3967 3968 3969 3970 3971 3972 3973 3974 3975 3976 3977 3978 3979 3980 3981 3982 3983 3984 | function paginate_links( $args = '' ) { global $wp_query , $wp_rewrite ; // Setting up default values based on the current URL. $pagenum_link = html_entity_decode( get_pagenum_link() ); $url_parts = explode ( '?' , $pagenum_link ); // Get max pages and current page out of the current query, if available. $total = isset( $wp_query ->max_num_pages ) ? $wp_query ->max_num_pages : 1; $current = get_query_var( 'paged' ) ? intval ( get_query_var( 'paged' ) ) : 1; // Append the format placeholder to the base URL. $pagenum_link = trailingslashit( $url_parts [0] ) . '%_%' ; // URL base depends on permalink settings. $format = $wp_rewrite ->using_index_permalinks() && ! strpos ( $pagenum_link , 'index.php' ) ? 'index.php/' : '' ; $format .= $wp_rewrite ->using_permalinks() ? user_trailingslashit( $wp_rewrite ->pagination_base . '/%#%' , 'paged' ) : '?paged=%#%' ; $defaults = array ( 'format' => $format , // ?page=%#% : %#% is replaced by the page number 'total' => $total , 'current' => $current , 'aria_current' => 'page' , 'show_all' => false, 'prev_next' => true, 'prev_text' => __( '« Previous' ), 'next_text' => __( 'Next »' ), 'end_size' => 1, 'mid_size' => 2, 'type' => 'plain' , 'add_args' => array (), // array of query args to add 'add_fragment' => '' , 'before_page_number' => '' , 'after_page_number' => '' , ); $args = wp_parse_args( $args , $defaults ); if ( ! is_array ( $args [ 'add_args' ] ) ) { $args [ 'add_args' ] = array (); } // Merge additional query vars found in the original URL into 'add_args' array. if ( isset( $url_parts [1] ) ) { // Find the format argument. $format = explode ( '?' , str_replace ( '%_%' , $args [ 'format' ], $args [ 'base' ] ) ); $format_query = isset( $format [1] ) ? $format [1] : '' ; wp_parse_str( $format_query , $format_args ); // Find the query args of the requested URL. wp_parse_str( $url_parts [1], $url_query_args ); // Remove the format argument from the array of query arguments, to avoid overwriting custom format. foreach ( $format_args as $format_arg => $format_arg_value ) { unset( $url_query_args [ $format_arg ] ); } $args [ 'add_args' ] = array_merge ( $args [ 'add_args' ], urlencode_deep( $url_query_args ) ); } // Who knows what else people pass in $args $total = (int) $args [ 'total' ]; if ( $total < 2 ) { return ; } $current = (int) $args [ 'current' ]; $end_size = (int) $args [ 'end_size' ]; // Out of bounds? Make it the default. if ( $end_size < 1 ) { $end_size = 1; } $mid_size = (int) $args [ 'mid_size' ]; if ( $mid_size < 0 ) { $mid_size = 2; } $add_args = $args [ 'add_args' ]; $r = '' ; $page_links = array (); $dots = false; if ( $args [ 'prev_next' ] && $current && 1 < $current ) : $link = str_replace ( '%_%' , 2 == $current ? '' : $args [ 'format' ], $args [ 'base' ] ); $link = str_replace ( '%#%' , $current - 1, $link ); if ( $add_args ) { $link = add_query_arg( $add_args , $link ); } $link .= $args [ 'add_fragment' ]; /** * Filters the paginated links for the given archive pages. * * @since 3.0.0 * * @param string $link The paginated link URL. */ $page_links [] = '<a class="prev page-numbers" href="' . esc_url( apply_filters( 'paginate_links' , $link ) ) . '">' . $args [ 'prev_text' ] . '</a>' ; endif ; for ( $n = 1; $n <= $total ; $n ++ ) : if ( $n == $current ) : $page_links [] = "<span aria-current='" . esc_attr( $args ['aria_current '] ) . "' class = 'page-numbers current' >" . $args [ 'before_page_number' ] . number_format_i18n( $n ) . $args [ 'after_page_number' ] . '</span>' ; $dots = true; else : if ( $args [ 'show_all' ] || ( $n <= $end_size || ( $current && $n >= $current - $mid_size && $n <= $current + $mid_size ) || $n > $total - $end_size ) ) : $link = str_replace ( '%_%' , 1 == $n ? '' : $args [ 'format' ], $args [ 'base' ] ); $link = str_replace ( '%#%' , $n , $link ); if ( $add_args ) { $link = add_query_arg( $add_args , $link ); } $link .= $args [ 'add_fragment' ]; /** This filter is documented in wp-includes/general-template.php */ $page_links [] = "<a class='page-numbers' href='" . esc_url( apply_filters( 'paginate_links ', $link ) ) . "' >" . $args [ 'before_page_number' ] . number_format_i18n( $n ) . $args [ 'after_page_number' ] . '</a>' ; $dots = true; elseif ( $dots && ! $args [ 'show_all' ] ) : $page_links [] = '<span class="page-numbers dots">' . __( '…' ) . '</span>' ; $dots = false; endif ; endif ; endfor ; if ( $args [ 'prev_next' ] && $current && $current < $total ) : $link = str_replace ( '%_%' , $args [ 'format' ], $args [ 'base' ] ); $link = str_replace ( '%#%' , $current + 1, $link ); if ( $add_args ) { $link = add_query_arg( $add_args , $link ); } $link .= $args [ 'add_fragment' ]; /** This filter is documented in wp-includes/general-template.php */ $page_links [] = '<a class="next page-numbers" href="' . esc_url( apply_filters( 'paginate_links' , $link ) ) . '">' . $args [ 'next_text' ] . '</a>' ; endif ; switch ( $args [ 'type' ] ) { case 'array' : return $page_links ; case 'list' : $r .= "<ul class='page-numbers'>\n\t<li>" ; $r .= join( "</li>\n\t<li>" , $page_links ); $r .= "</li>\n</ul>\n" ; break ; default : $r = join( "\n" , $page_links ); break ; } return $r ; } |
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Changelog Changelog
Version | Description |
4.9.0 | Added the aria_current argument. |
2.1.0 | Introduced. |
User Contributed Notes User Contributed Notes
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Example With a Custom Query
When querying a loop with new WP_Query set the
parameter to themax_num_pages
property of theWP_Query
object.Example of a custom query:
//Protect against arbitrary paged values
= ( get_query_var(
) ) ? absint( get_query_var(
) ) : 1;
=> 5,
<!-- the loop etc.. -->
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Example of
parameters adapted to the custom query above:<?php
= 999999999;
// need an unlikely integer
, esc_url( get_pagenum_link(
) ) ),
=> max( 1, get_query_var(
) ),
) );
Improving Accessibility
To add context to the numbered links to ensure that screen reader users understand what the links are for:
= 999999999;
// need an unlikely integer
= __(
// Supply translatable string
, esc_url( get_pagenum_link(
) ) ),
=> max( 1, get_query_var(
) ),
'<span class="screen-reader-text">'
' </span>'
) );
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Basic Example
To add pagination to your search results and archives, you can use the following example:
= 999999999;
// need an unlikely integer
, esc_url( get_pagenum_link(
) ) ),
=> max( 1, get_query_var(
) ),
) );
= 999999999;
// need an unlikely integer
, esc_url( get_pagenum_link(
) ) ),
=> max( 1, get_query_var(
) ),
) );
Aligned array items properly based on WPCS.
// first create a function
//default it will return anchor
// Now call this function in your desired place