
The XPathResult interface represents the results generated by evaluating an XPath 1.0 expression within the context of a given node. Since XPath expressions can result in a variety of result types, this interface makes it possible to determine and handle the type and value of the result.


XPathResult.booleanValueRead only
XPathResult.invalidIteratorStateRead only
XPathResult.numberValueRead only
XPathResult.resultTypeRead only
integer (short)
XPathResult.singleNodeValueRead only
XPathResult.snapshotLengthRead only
XPathResult.stringValueRead only




Result Type Defined Constant Value Description
ANY_TYPE 0 A result set containing whatever type naturally results from evaluation of the expression. Note that if the result is a node-set then UNORDERED_NODE_ITERATOR_TYPE is always the resulting type.
NUMBER_TYPE 1 A result containing a single number. This is useful for example, in an XPath expression using the count() function.
STRING_TYPE 2 A result containing a single string.
BOOLEAN_TYPE 3 A result containing a single boolean value. This is useful for example, in an XPath expression using the not() function.
UNORDERED_NODE_ITERATOR_TYPE 4 A result node-set containing all the nodes matching the expression. The nodes may not necessarily be in the same order that they appear in the document.
ORDERED_NODE_ITERATOR_TYPE 5 A result node-set containing all the nodes matching the expression. The nodes in the result set are in the same order that they appear in the document.
UNORDERED_NODE_SNAPSHOT_TYPE 6 A result node-set containing snapshots of all the nodes matching the expression. The nodes may not necessarily be in the same order that they appear in the document.
ORDERED_NODE_SNAPSHOT_TYPE 7 A result node-set containing snapshots of all the nodes matching the expression. The nodes in the result set are in the same order that they appear in the document.
ANY_UNORDERED_NODE_TYPE 8 A result node-set containing any single node that matches the expression. The node is not necessarily the first node in the document that matches the expression.
FIRST_ORDERED_NODE_TYPE 9 A result node-set containing the first node in the document that matches the expression.

Browser compatibility

FeatureChromeEdgeFirefoxInternet ExplorerOperaSafari
Basic support Yes ? Yes ? Yes ?
invalidIteratorState Yes ? Yes ? Yes ?
iterateNext Yes ? Yes ? Yes ?
resultType Yes ? Yes ? Yes ?
snapshotItem Yes ? Yes ? Yes ?
FeatureAndroid webviewChrome for AndroidEdge mobileFirefox for AndroidOpera AndroidiOS SafariSamsung Internet
Basic support ? Yes ? Yes Yes ? Yes
invalidIteratorState ? Yes ? Yes Yes ? Yes
iterateNext ? Yes ? Yes Yes ? Yes
resultType ? Yes ? Yes Yes ? Yes
snapshotItem ? Yes ? Yes Yes ? Yes

See also

Document Tags and Contributors

Last updated by: ExE-Boss,