
From Xojo Documentation

Class (inherits from RectControl)

Adds a rotating progress wheel to a window.

Close DragOver MouseExit
ConstructContextualMenu DropObject MouseMove
ContextualMenuAction KeyDown MouseWheel
DragEnter KeyUp Open
DragExit MouseEnter

Active fa-lock-32.png LockLeft Scope fa-lock-32.png
AllowAutoDeactivate LockRight TabIndex
AllowTabStop LockTop Tooltip
Enabled MouseCursor Top
Handle fa-lock-32.png MouseX fa-lock-32.png Transparent
Height MouseY fa-lock-32.png TrueWindow fa-lock-32.png
Index fa-lock-32.png Name fa-lock-32.png Visible
Left PanelIndex Width
LockBottom Parent Window fa-lock-32.png

AcceptFileDrop AcceptTextDrop Invalidate
AcceptPictureDrop Close Refresh
AcceptRawDataDrop DrawInto SetFocus


Use the Visible property of the control to show or hide it. When it is visible, it is animated automatically.

Animation requires that the application is able to refresh the control. This will happen while the application is idle. If the control is to be animated during a tight loop, this can be achieved by putting the loop in a Thread, or via the RectControl.Refresh method.

The ProgressWheel is always displayed at the standard system size. Resizing it has no effect.

See Also

RectControl class.