
Web Slider

From Xojo Documentation

The Slider control provides an interface that is used for increasing or decreasing a numeric value. Like the Scroll Bar, the Slider can appear horizontally (which is the default) or vertically. You can create a vertical Slider by changing its height so that it is greater than its width. Unlike the Scroll Bar, the Slider automatically maintains the correct proportions regardless of the dimensions you give it.

You can use the Set Default Value feature to set the default position of the slider.

Below are the commonly used events and properties. Refer to WebSlider in the Language Reference for the complete list.



Called when the slider value has changed.


Minimum, Maximum

The minimum and maximum values returned by the slider.


An Integer used to get or set current position of the slider.


Web Slider

This code in the ValueChanged event handler displays the Slider value in a Label:

Label1.Text = "Slider value = " + Str(Me.Value)

See Also

WebSlider class; UserGuide:Web UI topic