
From Xojo Documentation

For desktop applications, see Slider.

Class (inherits from WebControl)

New in 2010r4

A basic slider control. If the width is greater than the height, it will be horizontal. If not, is vertical.

Close KeyPressed MouseUp
ContextualMenuAction LostFocus Open
DoubleClick MouseDown Resized
DropObject MouseEnter Shown
GotFocus MouseExit ValueChanged
Hidden MouseMove
ContextualMenu LockBottom Parent fa-lock-32.png
ControlID fa-lock-32.png LockHorizontal Style
Cursor LockLeft Top
DragOverStyle LockRight Value
Enabled LockTop VerticalCenter
Height LockVertical Visible
HelpTag Maximum Width
HorizontalCenter Minimum Zindex
Left Name fa-lock-32.png
LiveStep Page fa-lock-32.png
AcceptPictureDrop AllowRawDataDrag MsgBox
AcceptRawDataDrop AllowTextDrag PresentContextualMenu
AcceptTextDrop Close SetFocus
AllowPictureDrag ExecuteJavaScript ShowURL

Sample Code

This code in the ValueChanged event handler displays the Slider value in a Label:

Label1.Text = "Slider value = " + Me.Value.ToString

See Also

WebScrollbar control