From Xojo Documentation
Supported Platforms Project Types: Desktop Platforms: macOS, Windows, Linux |
- For web apps, see WebSlider.
Class (inherits from RectControl)
The slider control used by desktop applications. As the user moves the slider, the Value property changes. To create a vertical slider, make the height greater than the width.
Properties | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Methods | |||||||||
Sliders default to a height of 23 pixels so they use the normal size on all platforms.
On macOS Sierra (10.12) and later, vertical sliders no longer appear automatically when the height is greater than the width. To enable a vertical slider, put this code in the Open event handler for the Slider:
Declare Sub setVertical Lib "Cocoa" Selector "setVertical:" (windowRef As Integer, id As Boolean)
setVertical(Me.Handle, True)
setVertical(Me.Handle, True)
Changing the maximum value of a Slider at runtime:
Slider1.MaximumValue = 200
Setting the text of TextField1 to the value of the slider when the user scrolls.
See Also
RectControl class; Scrollbar control; TickMarkStyles enum.