
From Xojo Documentation

Class (inherits from RectControl)

The scrollbar control.

Close GotFocus MouseExit
ConstructContextualMenu KeyDown MouseMove
ContextualMenuAction KeyUp MouseUp
DragEnter LostFocus MouseWheel
DragExit MouseDown Open
DragOver MouseDrag ValueChanged
DropObject MouseEnter

Active fa-lock-32.png LockLeft Scope fa-lock-32.png
AllowAutoDeactivate LockRight TabIndex
AllowFocus LockTop Tooltip
AllowLiveScrolling MaximumValue Top
AllowTabStop MinimumValue Transparent
Enabled MouseCursor TrueWindow fa-lock-32.png
Handle fa-lock-32.png MouseX fa-lock-32.png Value
Height MouseY fa-lock-32.png Visible
Index fa-lock-32.png Name fa-lock-32.png Width
Left PageStep Window fa-lock-32.png
LineStep PanelIndex
LockBottom Parent

AcceptFileDrop AcceptTextDrop Invalidate
AcceptPictureDrop Close Refresh
AcceptRawDataDrop DrawInto SetFocus


A Scrollbar can be either horizontal or vertical. To set its orientation programatically, set the height to be greater than the width for a vertical scrollbar. Set the width to be greater than the height for a horizontal scrollbar. The default thickness of the short side is 16 pixels, but it can be changed. You can narrow it in the IDE to get a mini-scrollbar.


Changing the maximum value of a Scrollbar at runtime:

Scrollbar1.MaximumValue = 200

Setting the text of a Label, control to the value of the Scrollbar when the user scrolls:

Sub ValueChanged()
Label1.Value = Str(Scrollbar1.Value)
End Sub

See also the discussion of scrolling ListBox controls horizontally using a Scrollbar control.

See Also

Slider control; RectControl class.