iOSTableRowAction.Constructor(style As Styles, title As Text, Optional tag As Auto)

From Xojo Documentation

iOSTableRowAction.Constructor(style As Styles, title As Text, Optional tag As Auto)

Create a new row action that can be returned in iOSTable.ActionsForRow.


Parameter Description
style A value from the Styles enum to indicate how the row action displays.
title The title of the button. This is displayed to the user and therefore should be localized.
tag A value to associate with the action. This value will be passed into the iOSTable.RowAction event and allows you to determine which action was selected. As an Auto, there are no limitations on the value you supply.

Sample Code

Creates a single action to delete a row (code in in iOSTable.ActionsForRow event):

Var actions(0) As iOSTableRowAction
// Create the Delete button
actions(0) = New iOSTableRowAction(iOSTableRowAction.Styles.Destructive, "Delete", "Delete")
Return actions