From Xojo Documentation
Constructors for classes in Real Studio
Pages in category "Constructors"
The following 122 pages are in this category, out of 122 total.
- DataCell.Constructor(Value as String)
- Date.Constructor()
- Date.Constructor(CopyDate as Date)
- Date.Constructor(Year as Integer, Month as Integer = 1, Day as Integer = 1, hour as Integer = 0, minute as Integer = 0, second as Integer = 0)
- Date.Constructor(Year as Integer, Month as Integer = 1, Day as Integer = 1, hour as Integer = 0, minute as Integer = 0, second as Integer = 0, GMTOffset as double)
- DateInterval.Constructor(years As Integer = 0, months As Integer = 0, days As Integer = 0, hours As Integer = 0, minutes As Integer = 0, seconds As Integer = 0, nanoseconds As Integer = 0)
- DateTime.Constructor(CopyDate as DateTime)
- DateTime.Constructor(secondsFrom1970 as Double, timeZone as TimeZone = Nil)
- DateTime.Constructor(Year as Integer, Month as Integer, Day as Integer, hour as Integer = 0, minute as Integer = 0, second as Integer = 0, nanosecond as Integer = 0, timeZone as TimeZone = Nil)
- Delegate.Constructor(p As Ptr)
- Dictionary.Constructor(keyComparison As KeyComparisonDelegate)
- Dictionary.Constructor(ParamArray entries as Pair)
- DragItem.Constructor(r as RectControl, x as Integer, y as Integer, width as Integer, height as Integer, DragPicture as Picture)
- DragItem.Constructor(w as Window, x as Integer, y as Integer, width as Integer, height as Integer, DragPicture as Picture)
- FirewallPort.Constructor(Port As Integer, DataDirection As XojoCloud.FirewallPort.Direction)
- FolderItem.Constructor(f as FolderItem)
- FolderItem.Constructor(path as String)
- FolderItem.Constructor(path as String, pathMode as FolderItem.PathModes, followAlias as Boolean = true)
- FolderItem.Constructor(path as String, PathType as Integer=PathTypeAbsolute)
- iOSBitmap.Constructor(width As Integer, height As Integer, scale As Double, opaque As Boolean = False)
- iOSBlock.Constructor(theDelegate As Object)
- iOSFont.Constructor(postscriptName As Text, pointSize As Double)
- iOSLayoutConstraint.Constructor(firstItem As Object, firstAttribute As AttributeTypes, relation As RelationTypes, secondItem As Object, secondAttribute As AttributeTypes, multiplier As Double, addend As Double, priority As Double = 1000)
- iOSLayoutConstraint.Constructor(firstItem As Object, firstAttribute As AttributeTypes, relation As RelationTypes, secondItem As Object, secondAttribute As AttributeTypes, multiplier As Double, gap As StandardGap, priority As Double = 1000)
- iOSSegmentedControlItem.Constructor(icon As iOSImage)
- iOSSegmentedControlItem.Constructor(title As Text = "")
- iOSSound.Constructor(file As FolderItem)
- iOSTableRowAction.Constructor(style As Styles, title As Text, Optional tag As Auto)
- iOSToolButton.Constructor(type As Types, title As Text = "", image As iOSImage = Nil)
- IUnknown.Constructor(p As Ptr)
- Pair.Constructor(left as Variant, right as Variant)
- Permissions.Constructor(FolderItem.Permissions as Integer)
- Picture.Constructor(width as Integer, height as Integer)
- Picture.Constructor(width as Integer, height as Integer, bitmaps() As Picture)
- Picture.Constructor(width as Integer, height as Integer, Depth as Integer)
- PixmapShape.Constructor(image as Picture)
- Point.Constructor()
- Point.Constructor(X as Double, Y as Double)
- RBReportControl.Constructor(controlName as String)
- Realbasic.Point.Constructor()
- Realbasic.Point.Constructor(X as Integer, Y as Integer)
- Realbasic.Rect.Constructor()
- Realbasic.Rect.Constructor(X As Integer, Y As Integer, Width As Integer, Height As Integer)
- Realbasic.Size.Constructor()
- Realbasic.Size.Constructor(Width as Integer,Height as Integer)
- RecordSetQuery.Constructor(rs as RecordSet)
- Rect.Constructor(origin as Point, size as Size)
- Rect.Constructor(X As Double, Y As Double, Width As Double, Height As Double)
- RegistryItem.Constructor(copy as RegistryItem)
- RegistryItem.Constructor(path as String , create as Boolean)
- Report.Constructor(units as Report.Units)
- Report.Constructor(units as Reports.Units)
- RuntimeException.Constructor(message As String="", errorCode As Integer=0)
- TextInputStream.Constructor(handle as Integer, type as Integer)
- TextInputStream.Constructor(handle as Ptr, type as IOStreamHandleTypes)
- TextOutputStream.Constructor(handle as Integer, type as Integer)
- TextOutputStream.Constructor(handle as Ptr, type as IOStreamHandleTypes)
- TimeZone.Constructor(gmtOffsetInSeconds As Integer)
- TimeZone.Constructor(name As String)
- TrayItem.TrayItem
- WeakRef.Constructor(obj as Object)
- WebMapLocation.Constructor(Address as String)
- WebMapLocation.Constructor(Latitude as Double, Longitude as Double, Tag as Variant = Nil)
- WebMenuItem.Constructor()
- WebMenuItem.Constructor(Text as String)
- WebMenuItem.Constructor(Text as String, Tag as Variant)
- WebPicture.Constructor(data as String, FileName as String)
- WebPicture.Constructor(file as FolderItem)
- WebPicture.Constructor(mb as MemoryBlock, FileName as String)
- WebPicture.Constructor(Source as Picture, Format as String="public.png")
- WebPicture.Constructor(width As Integer, height As Integer, files() As FolderItem)
- XMLDocument.Constructor()
- XMLDocument.Constructor(f as FolderItem)
- XMLDocument.Constructor(XML as String)
- XMLReader.Constructor()
- XMLReader.Constructor(XMLEncoding as String, namespaceSeparator as String)
- XMLStyleSheet.Constructor()
- XMLStyleSheet.Constructor(f as FolderItem)
- XMLStyleSheet.Constructor(XML as String)
- Xojo.Core.Date.Constructor(secondsFrom1970 As Double, timezone As TimeZone)
- Xojo.Core.Date.Constructor(year As Integer, month As Integer, day As Integer, hour As Integer = 0, minute As Integer = 0, seconds As Integer = 0, nanoseconds As Integer = 0, timezone As TimeZone)
- Xojo.Core.DateInterval.Constructor(years As Integer = 0, months As Integer = 0, days As Integer = 0, hours As Integer = 0, minutes As Integer = 0, seconds As Integer = 0, nanoseconds As Integer = 0)
- Xojo.Core.Locale.Constructor(localeIdentifier As Text)
- Xojo.Core.MemoryBlock.Constructor(bytes() As Byte)
- Xojo.Core.MemoryBlock.Constructor(other As MemoryBlock)
- Xojo.Core.MemoryBlock.Constructor(p As Ptr)
- Xojo.Core.MemoryBlock.Constructor(p As Ptr, size As UInteger)
- Xojo.Core.MemoryBlock.Constructor(size As UInteger)
- Xojo.Core.Point.Constructor(X As Double, Y As Double)
- Xojo.Core.Rect.Constructor(left As Double, top As Double, width As Double, height As Double)
- Xojo.Core.Rect.Constructor(origin As Point, size As Size)
- Xojo.Core.Size.Constructor(width As Double, height As Double)
- Xojo.Core.TimeZone.Constructor(gmtOffsetInSeconds As Integer)
- Xojo.Core.TimeZone.Constructor(name As Text)
- Xojo.IO.BinaryStream.Constructor(mb As MemoryBlock)
- Xojo.IO.FolderItem.Constructor(path As Text, resolveAlias As Boolean = True)
- Xojo.IO.TextInputStream.Constructor(handle As Ptr, type As HandleTypes, encoding As TextEncoding)
- Xojo.Threading.Semaphore.Constructor(Optional numResources As Integer = 1)