Class yii\bootstrap4\LinkPager

Inheritanceyii\bootstrap4\LinkPager » yii\bootstrap4\Widget » yii\base\Widget
Uses Traitsyii\bootstrap4\BootstrapWidgetTrait
Available since version2.0.2

LinkPager represents a bootstrap 4 version of \yii\widgets\LinkPager. It displays a list of hyperlinks that lead to different pages of target.

LinkPager works with a \yii\widget\Pagination object which specifies the total number of pages and the current page number.

See also

Public Properties

Hide inherited properties

PropertyTypeDescriptionDefined By
$activePageCssClass string The CSS class for the active (currently selected) page button. yii\bootstrap4\LinkPager
$clientEvents array The event handlers for the underlying Bootstrap JS plugin. yii\bootstrap4\BootstrapWidgetTrait
$clientOptions array The options for the underlying Bootstrap JS plugin. yii\bootstrap4\BootstrapWidgetTrait
$disableCurrentPageButton boolean Whether to render current page button as disabled. yii\bootstrap4\LinkPager
$disabledListItemSubTagOptions array The options for the disabled tag to be generated inside the disabled list element. yii\bootstrap4\LinkPager
$disabledPageCssClass string The CSS class for the disabled page buttons. yii\bootstrap4\LinkPager
$firstPageCssClass string The CSS class for the "first" page button. yii\bootstrap4\LinkPager
$firstPageLabel string|boolean The text label for the "first" page button. yii\bootstrap4\LinkPager
$hideOnSinglePage boolean Hide widget when only one page exist. yii\bootstrap4\LinkPager
$lastPageCssClass string The CSS class for the "last" page button. yii\bootstrap4\LinkPager
$lastPageLabel string|boolean The text label for the "last" page button. yii\bootstrap4\LinkPager
$linkContainerOptions array HTML attributes which will be applied to all link containers yii\bootstrap4\LinkPager
$linkOptions array HTML attributes for the link in a pager container tag. yii\bootstrap4\LinkPager
$listOptions array HTML attributes for the pager list tag. yii\bootstrap4\LinkPager
$maxButtonCount integer Maximum number of page buttons that can be displayed. yii\bootstrap4\LinkPager
$nextPageCssClass string The CSS class for the "next" page button. yii\bootstrap4\LinkPager
$nextPageLabel string|boolean The label for the "next" page button. yii\bootstrap4\LinkPager
$options array HTML attributes for the pager container tag. yii\bootstrap4\LinkPager
$pageCssClass string The CSS class for the each page button. yii\bootstrap4\LinkPager
$pagination \yii\data\Pagination The pagination object that this pager is associated with. yii\bootstrap4\LinkPager
$prevPageCssClass string The CSS class for the "previous" page button. yii\bootstrap4\LinkPager
$prevPageLabel string|boolean The text label for the "previous" page button. yii\bootstrap4\LinkPager
$registerLinkTags boolean Whether to register link tags in the HTML header for prev, next, first and last page. yii\bootstrap4\LinkPager

Public Methods

Hide inherited methods

MethodDescriptionDefined By
getView() yii\bootstrap4\BootstrapWidgetTrait
init() Initializes the pager. yii\bootstrap4\LinkPager
run() Executes the widget. yii\bootstrap4\LinkPager

Protected Methods

Hide inherited methods

MethodDescriptionDefined By
getPageRange() yii\bootstrap4\LinkPager
registerClientEvents() Registers JS event handlers that are listed in $clientEvents. yii\bootstrap4\BootstrapWidgetTrait
registerLinkTags() Registers relational link tags in the html header for prev, next, first and last page. yii\bootstrap4\LinkPager
registerPlugin() Registers a specific Bootstrap plugin and the related events yii\bootstrap4\BootstrapWidgetTrait
renderPageButton() Renders a page button. yii\bootstrap4\LinkPager
renderPageButtons() Renders the page buttons. yii\bootstrap4\LinkPager

Property Details

$activePageCssClass public property

The CSS class for the active (currently selected) page button.

public string $activePageCssClass 'active'
$disableCurrentPageButton public property

Whether to render current page button as disabled.

$disabledListItemSubTagOptions public property

The options for the disabled tag to be generated inside the disabled list element. In order to customize the html tag, please use the tag key.

$disabledListItemSubTagOptions = ['class' => 'disabled-link'];
$disabledPageCssClass public property

The CSS class for the disabled page buttons.

public string $disabledPageCssClass 'disabled'
$firstPageCssClass public property

The CSS class for the "first" page button.

public string $firstPageCssClass 'first'
$firstPageLabel public property

The text label for the "first" page button. Note that this will NOT be HTML-encoded. If it's specified as true, page number will be used as label. Default is false that means the "first" page button will not be displayed.

$hideOnSinglePage public property

Hide widget when only one page exist.

public boolean $hideOnSinglePage true
$lastPageCssClass public property

The CSS class for the "last" page button.

public string $lastPageCssClass 'last'
$lastPageLabel public property

The text label for the "last" page button. Note that this will NOT be HTML-encoded. If it's specified as true, page number will be used as label. Default is false that means the "last" page button will not be displayed.

public string|boolean $lastPageLabel false
$linkContainerOptions public property

HTML attributes which will be applied to all link containers

public array $linkContainerOptions = ['class' => ['page-item']]
$linkOptions public property

HTML attributes for the link in a pager container tag.

See also \yii\helpers\Html::renderTagAttributes() for details on how attributes are being rendered.

public array $linkOptions = ['class' => ['page-link']]
$listOptions public property

HTML attributes for the pager list tag.

See also \yii\helpers\Html::renderTagAttributes() for details on how attributes are being rendered.

public array $listOptions = ['class' => ['pagination']]
$maxButtonCount public property

Maximum number of page buttons that can be displayed. Defaults to 10.

$nextPageCssClass public property

The CSS class for the "next" page button.

public string $nextPageCssClass 'next'
$nextPageLabel public property

The label for the "next" page button. Note that this will NOT be HTML-encoded. If this property is false, the "next" page button will not be displayed.

public string|boolean $nextPageLabel "<span aria-hidden=\"true\">&raquo;</span>\n<span class=\"sr-only\">Next</span>"
$options public property

HTML attributes for the pager container tag.

See also \yii\helpers\Html::renderTagAttributes() for details on how attributes are being rendered.

public array $options = []
$pageCssClass public property

The CSS class for the each page button.

public string $pageCssClass null
$pagination public property

The pagination object that this pager is associated with. You must set this property in order to make LinkPager work.

public \yii\data\Pagination $pagination null
$prevPageCssClass public property

The CSS class for the "previous" page button.

public string $prevPageCssClass 'prev'
$prevPageLabel public property

The text label for the "previous" page button. Note that this will NOT be HTML-encoded. If this property is false, the "previous" page button will not be displayed.

public string|boolean $prevPageLabel "<span aria-hidden=\"true\">&laquo;</span>\n<span class=\"sr-only\">Previous</span>"
$registerLinkTags public property

Whether to register link tags in the HTML header for prev, next, first and last page. Defaults to false to avoid conflicts when multiple pagers are used on one page.

See also:

public boolean $registerLinkTags false

Method Details

getPageRange() protected method

protected array getPageRange ( )
return array

The begin and end pages that need to be displayed.

init() public method

Initializes the pager.

public void init ( )
throws \yii\base\InvalidConfigException
registerLinkTags() protected method

Registers relational link tags in the html header for prev, next, first and last page.

These links are generated using \yii\data\Pagination::getLinks().

See also

protected void registerLinkTags ( )
renderPageButton() protected method

Renders a page button.

You may override this method to customize the generation of page buttons.

protected string renderPageButton ( $label, $page, $class, $disabled, $active )
$label string

The text label for the button

$page integer

The page number

$class string

The CSS class for the page button.

$disabled boolean

Whether this page button is disabled

$active boolean

Whether this page button is active

return string

The rendering result

renderPageButtons() protected method

Renders the page buttons.

protected string renderPageButtons ( )
return string

The rendering result

run() public method

Executes the widget.

This overrides the parent implementation by displaying the generated page buttons.

public void run ( )