Class yii\httpclient\Request

Inheritanceyii\httpclient\Request » yii\httpclient\Message » yii\base\Component
Available since version2.0

Request represents HTTP request.

Public Properties

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PropertyTypeDescriptionDefined By
$client yii\httpclient\Client Owner client instance. yii\httpclient\Message

Public Methods

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MethodDescriptionDefined By
__toString() PHP magic method that returns the string representation of this object. yii\httpclient\Message
addContent() Adds a content part for multi-part content request. yii\httpclient\Request
addCookies() Adds more cookies to the already defined ones. yii\httpclient\Message
addData() Adds data fields to the existing ones. yii\httpclient\Request
addFile() Adds a file for upload as multi-part content. yii\httpclient\Request
addFileContent() Adds a string as a file upload. yii\httpclient\Request
addHeaders() Adds more headers to the already defined ones. yii\httpclient\Message
addOptions() Adds more options to already defined ones. yii\httpclient\Request
afterSend() This method is invoked right after this request is sent. yii\httpclient\Request
beforeSend() This method is invoked right before this request is sent. yii\httpclient\Request
composeHeaderLines() Composes raw header lines from \yii\httpclient\headers. yii\httpclient\Request
getContent() Returns HTTP message raw content. yii\httpclient\Message
getCookies() Returns the cookie collection. yii\httpclient\Message
getData() Returns the data fields, parsed from raw content. yii\httpclient\Message
getFormat() Returns body format. yii\httpclient\Message
getFullUrl() Returns full target URL, including yii\httpclient\Client::$baseUrl as a string. yii\httpclient\Request
getHeaders() Returns the header collection. yii\httpclient\Message
getMethod() yii\httpclient\Request
getOptions() yii\httpclient\Request
getOutputFile() Gets the outputFile property yii\httpclient\Request
getUrl() Returns target URL. yii\httpclient\Request
hasCookies() Checks of HTTP message contains any cookie. yii\httpclient\Message
hasHeaders() Checks of HTTP message contains any header. yii\httpclient\Message
prepare() Prepares this request instance for sending. yii\httpclient\Request
send() Sends this request. yii\httpclient\Request
setContent() Sets the HTTP message raw content. yii\httpclient\Message
setCookies() Sets the cookies associated with HTTP message. yii\httpclient\Message
setData() Sets the data fields, which composes message content. yii\httpclient\Request
setFormat() Sets body format. yii\httpclient\Message
setFullUrl() Sets full target URL. yii\httpclient\Request
setHeaders() Sets the HTTP headers associated with HTTP message. yii\httpclient\Message
setMethod() yii\httpclient\Request
setOptions() Following options are supported: - timeout: int, the maximum number of seconds to allow request to be executed. yii\httpclient\Request
setOutputFile() Used with yii\httpclient\CurlTransport to set the file that the transfer should be written to yii\httpclient\Request
setUrl() Sets target URL. yii\httpclient\Request
toString() Returns string representation of this HTTP message. yii\httpclient\Request

Protected Methods

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MethodDescriptionDefined By
defaultFormat() Returns default format name. yii\httpclient\Message


Hide inherited events

EventTypeDescriptionDefined By
EVENT_AFTER_SEND yii\httpclient\RequestEvent An event raised right after request has been sent. yii\httpclient\Request
EVENT_BEFORE_SEND yii\httpclient\RequestEvent An event raised right before sending request. yii\httpclient\Request

Method Details

addContent() public method

Adds a content part for multi-part content request.

public $this addContent ( $name, $content, $options = [] )
$name string

Part (form input) name.

$content string


$options array

Content part options, valid options are:

  • contentType - string, part content type
  • fileName - string, name of the uploading file
  • mimeType - string, part content type in case of file uploading
return $this

Self reference.

addData() public method

Adds data fields to the existing ones.

public $this addData ( $data )
$data array

Additional content data fields.

return $this

Self reference.

addFile() public method

Adds a file for upload as multi-part content.

See also addContent().

public $this addFile ( $name, $fileName, $options = [] )
$name string

Part (form input) name

$fileName string

Full name of the source file.

$options array

Content part options, valid options are:

  • fileName - string, base name of the uploading file, if not set it base name of the source file will be used.
  • mimeType - string, file mime type, if not set it will be determine automatically from source file.
throws \yii\base\InvalidConfigException
addFileContent() public method

Adds a string as a file upload.

See also addContent().

public $this addFileContent ( $name, $content, $options = [] )
$name string

Part (form input) name

$content string

File content.

$options array

Content part options, valid options are:

  • fileName - string, base name of the uploading file.
  • mimeType - string, file mime type, if not set it 'application/octet-stream' will be used.
addOptions() public method

Adds more options to already defined ones.

Please refer to setOptions() on how to specify options.

public $this addOptions ( array $options )
$options array

Additional options

return $this

Self reference.

afterSend() public method (available since version 2.0.1)

This method is invoked right after this request is sent.

The method will invoke yii\httpclient\Client::afterSend() and trigger the EVENT_AFTER_SEND event.

public void afterSend ( $response )
$response yii\httpclient\Response

Received response instance.

beforeSend() public method (available since version 2.0.1)

This method is invoked right before this request is sent.

The method will invoke yii\httpclient\Client::beforeSend() and trigger the EVENT_BEFORE_SEND event.

public void beforeSend ( )
composeHeaderLines() public method

Composes raw header lines from \yii\httpclient\headers.

Each line will be a string in format: 'header-name: value'.

public array composeHeaderLines ( )
return array

Raw header lines.

getFullUrl() public method

Returns full target URL, including yii\httpclient\Client::$baseUrl as a string.

public string getFullUrl ( )
return string

Full target URL.

getMethod() public method

public string getMethod ( )
return string

Request method

getOptions() public method

public array getOptions ( )
return array

Request options.

getOutputFile() public method (available since version 2.0.9)

Gets the outputFile property

public resource getOutputFile ( )
getUrl() public method

Returns target URL.

public string|array getUrl ( )
return string|array

Target URL or URL parameters

prepare() public method

Prepares this request instance for sending.

This method should be invoked by transport before sending a request. Do not call this method unless you know what you are doing.

public $this prepare ( )
return $this

Self reference.

send() public method

Sends this request.

public yii\httpclient\Response send ( )
return yii\httpclient\Response

Response instance.

throws yii\httpclient\Exception
setData() public method

Sets the data fields, which composes message content.

public $this setData ( $data )
$data mixed

Content data fields.

return $this

Self reference.

setFullUrl() public method (available since version 2.0.3)

Sets full target URL.

This method can be used during request formatting and preparation. Do not use it for the target URL specification, use setUrl() instead.

public $this setFullUrl ( $fullUrl )
$fullUrl string

Full target URL.

return $this

Self reference.

setMethod() public method

public $this setMethod ( $method )
$method string

Request method

return $this

Self reference.

setOptions() public method

Following options are supported: - timeout: int, the maximum number of seconds to allow request to be executed.

  • proxy: string, URI specifying address of proxy server. (e.g. tcp://
  • userAgent: string, the contents of the "User-Agent: " header to be used in a HTTP request.
  • followLocation: bool, whether to follow any "Location: " header that the server sends as part of the HTTP header.
  • maxRedirects: int, the max number of redirects to follow.
  • protocolVersion: float|string, HTTP protocol version.
  • sslVerifyPeer: bool, whether verification of the peer's certificate should be performed.
  • sslCafile: string, location of Certificate Authority file on local filesystem which should be used with the 'sslVerifyPeer' option to authenticate the identity of the remote peer.
  • sslCapath: string, a directory that holds multiple CA certificates.

You may set options using keys, which are specific to particular transport, like [CURLOPT_VERBOSE => true] in case there is a necessity for it.

public $this setOptions ( array $options )
$options array

Request options.

return $this

Self reference.

setOutputFile() public method (available since version 2.0.9)

Used with yii\httpclient\CurlTransport to set the file that the transfer should be written to

See also \yii\httpclient\CURLOPT_FILE.

public $this setOutputFile ( $file )
$file resource
return $this

Self reference.

setUrl() public method

Sets target URL.

public $this setUrl ( $url )
$url string|array

Use a string to represent a URL (e.g., item/list), or an array to represent a URL with query parameters (e.g. ['item/list', 'param1' => 'value1']).

return $this

Self reference.

toString() public method

Returns string representation of this HTTP message.

public string toString ( )
return string

The string representation of this HTTP message.

Event Details

EVENT_AFTER_SEND event of type yii\httpclient\RequestEvent

An event raised right after request has been sent.

EVENT_BEFORE_SEND event of type yii\httpclient\RequestEvent

An event raised right before sending request.