Class yii\smarty\Extension


Extension provides Yii-specific syntax for Smarty templates.

Public Methods

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MethodDescriptionDefined By
__construct() yii\smarty\Extension
blockCss() Smarty block function plugin Usage is the following: yii\smarty\Extension
blockDescription() Smarty block function plugin Usage is the following: yii\smarty\Extension
blockJavaScript() Smarty block function plugin Usage is the following: yii\smarty\Extension
blockTitle() Smarty block function plugin Usage is the following: yii\smarty\Extension
compilerUse() Smarty compiler function plugin Usage is the following: yii\smarty\Extension
functionMeta() Smarty function plugin Usage is the following: yii\smarty\Extension
functionPath() Smarty template function to get relative URL for using in links yii\smarty\Extension
functionRegisterCssFile() Smarty function plugin Usage is the following: yii\smarty\Extension
functionRegisterJsFile() Smarty function plugin Usage is the following: yii\smarty\Extension
functionSet() Smarty function plugin Usage is the following: yii\smarty\Extension
functionUrl() Smarty template function to get absolute URL for using in links yii\smarty\Extension
modifierVoid() Smarty modifier plugin Converts any output to void yii\smarty\Extension

Protected Methods

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MethodDescriptionDefined By
getViewConstVal() Helper function to convert a textual constant identifier to a View class integer constant value. yii\smarty\Extension

Property Details

$smarty protected property
protected \Smarty $smarty null
$viewRenderer protected property

Method Details

__construct() public method

public void __construct ( $viewRenderer, $smarty )
$viewRenderer yii\smarty\ViewRenderer
$smarty \Smarty
blockCss() public method

Smarty block function plugin Usage is the following:

{registerCss} div.header {

background-color: #3366bd;
color: white;

} {/registerCss}

Supported attributes: key and valid HTML attributes for the style tag. Refer to Yii documentation for details.

public string blockCss ( $params, $content, $template, &$repeat )
$template \Smarty_Internal_Template
blockDescription() public method

Smarty block function plugin Usage is the following:


The text between the opening and closing tags is added as
meta description tag to the page output.


Supported attributes: none.

public string blockDescription ( $params, $content, $template, &$repeat )
$template \Smarty_Internal_Template
blockJavaScript() public method

Smarty block function plugin Usage is the following:

{registerJs key='show' position='POS_LOAD'}

$("").replaceWith('<div class="show">');


Supported attributes: key, position. Refer to Yii documentation for details. The position attribute is passed as text without the class prefix. Default is 'POS_READY'.

public string blockJavaScript ( $params, $content, $template, &$repeat )
$template \Smarty_Internal_Template
blockTitle() public method

Smarty block function plugin Usage is the following:

{title} Web Site Login {/title}

Supported attributes: none.

public string blockTitle ( $params, $content, $template, &$repeat )
$template \Smarty_Internal_Template
compilerUse() public method

Smarty compiler function plugin Usage is the following:

{use class="app\assets\AppAsset"} {use class="yii\helpers\Html"} {use class='yii\widgets\ActiveForm' type='block'} {use class='@app\widgets\MyWidget' as='my_widget' type='function'}

Supported attributes: class, as, type. Type defaults to 'static'.

public string compilerUse ( $params, $template )
$template \Smarty_Internal_Template
functionMeta() public method

Smarty function plugin Usage is the following:

{meta keywords="Yii,PHP,Smarty,framework"}

Supported attributes: any; all attributes are passed as parameter array to Yii's registerMetaTag function.

public string functionMeta ( $params, $template )
$template \Smarty_Internal_Template
functionPath() public method

Smarty template function to get relative URL for using in links

Usage is the following:

{path route='blog/view' alias=$post.alias user=$}

where route is Yii route and the rest of parameters are passed as is.

public string functionPath ( $params, \Smarty_Internal_Template $template )
$params array
$template \Smarty_Internal_Template
functionRegisterCssFile() public method

Smarty function plugin Usage is the following:

{registerCssFile url='@assets/css/normalizer.css'}

Supported attributes: url, key, depends and valid HTML attributes for the link tag. Refer to Yii documentation for details.

public string functionRegisterCssFile ( $params, $template )
$template \Smarty_Internal_Template
functionRegisterJsFile() public method

Smarty function plugin Usage is the following:

{registerJsFile url='' position='POS_END'}

Supported attributes: url, key, depends, position and valid HTML attributes for the script tag. Refer to Yii documentation for details. The position attribute is passed as text without the class prefix. Default is 'POS_END'.

public string functionRegisterJsFile ( $params, $template )
$template \Smarty_Internal_Template
functionSet() public method

Smarty function plugin Usage is the following:

{set title="My Page"} {set theme="frontend"} {set layout="main.tpl"}

Supported attributes: title, theme, layout

public string functionSet ( $params, $template )
$template \Smarty_Internal_Template
functionUrl() public method

Smarty template function to get absolute URL for using in links

Usage is the following:

{url route='blog/view' alias=$post.alias user=$}

where route is Yii route and the rest of parameters are passed as is.

public string functionUrl ( $params, \Smarty_Internal_Template $template )
$params array
$template \Smarty_Internal_Template
getViewConstVal() protected method

Helper function to convert a textual constant identifier to a View class integer constant value.

protected mixed getViewConstVal ( $string, $default )
$string string

Constant identifier name

$default integer

Default value

modifierVoid() public method

Smarty modifier plugin Converts any output to void

public string modifierVoid ( $arg )
$arg mixed