Zend Framework  3.0
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Planet Class Reference

Class for generate Planet barcode. More...

Protected Attributes

- Protected Attributes inherited from Postnet
- Protected Attributes inherited from AbstractObject
 $barcodeNamespace = 'Zend\Barcode\Object'
 $instructions = []
 $type = null
 $height = null
 $width = null
 $barHeight = 50
 $barThinWidth = 1
 $barThickWidth = 3
 $factor = 1
 $foreColor = 0x000000
 $backgroundColor = 0xFFFFFF
 $withBorder = false
 $withQuietZones = true
 $mandatoryQuietZones = false
 $orientation = 0
 $offsetTop = null
 $offsetLeft = null
 $text = null
 $drawText = true
 $stretchText = false
 $font = null
 $fontSize = 10
 $withChecksum = false
 $withChecksumInText = false
 $barcodeLength = null
 $addLeadingZeros = true
 $mandatoryChecksum = false
 $substituteChecksumCharacter = 0

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Member Functions inherited from Postnet
 getChecksum ($text)
 Get barcode checksum.
- Protected Member Functions inherited from Postnet
 getDefaultOptions ()
 Default options for Postnet barcode.
 calculateBarcodeWidth ()
 Width of the barcode (in pixels)
 checkSpecificParams ()
 Partial check of interleaved Postnet barcode.
 prepareBarcode ()
 Prepare array to draw barcode.

Detailed Description

Class for generate Planet barcode.

Member Data Documentation

Initial value:
= [
0 => "00111"