Zend Framework  3.0
List of all members
Queue Class Reference

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Member Functions inherited from PriorityQueue
 insert ($data, $priority=1)
 Insert an item into the queue.
 remove ($datum)
 Remove an item from the queue.
 isEmpty ()
 Is the queue empty?
 count ()
 How many items are in the queue?
 top ()
 Peek at the top node in the queue, based on priority.
 extract ()
 Extract a node from the inner queue and sift up.
 getIterator ()
 Retrieve the inner iterator.
 serialize ()
 Serialize the data structure.
 unserialize ($data)
 Unserialize a string into a PriorityQueue object.
 toArray ($flag=self::EXTR_DATA)
 Serialize to an array.
 setInternalQueueClass ($class)
 Specify the internal queue class.
 contains ($datum)
 Does the queue contain the given datum?
 hasPriority ($priority)
 Does the queue have an item with the given priority?
 __clone ()
 Add support for deep cloning.
- Public Member Functions inherited from ProcessorInterface
 process (Config $value)
 Process the whole Config structure and recursively parse all its values.
 processValue ($value)
 Process a single value.
- Public Attributes inherited from PriorityQueue
const EXTR_DATA = 0x00000001
const EXTR_PRIORITY = 0x00000002
const EXTR_BOTH = 0x00000003
- Protected Member Functions inherited from PriorityQueue
 getQueue ()
 Get the inner priority queue instance.
- Protected Attributes inherited from PriorityQueue
 $queueClass = 'Zend\Stdlib\SplPriorityQueue'
 $items = []