Zend Framework  3.0
List of all members
Source Class Reference

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Member Functions inherited from AbstractFeed
 __construct ()
 Constructor: Primarily triggers the registration of core extensions and loads those appropriate to this data container.
 addAuthor (array $author)
 Set a single author.
 addAuthors (array $authors)
 Set an array with feed authors.
 setCopyright ($copyright)
 Set the copyright entry.
 setDateCreated ($date=null)
 Set the feed creation date.
 setDateModified ($date=null)
 Set the feed modification date.
 setLastBuildDate ($date=null)
 Set the feed last-build date.
 setDescription ($description)
 Set the feed description.
 setGenerator ($name, $version=null, $uri=null)
 Set the feed generator entry.
 setId ($id)
 Set the feed ID - URI or URN (via PCRE pattern) supported.
 setImage (array $data)
 Set a feed image (URI at minimum).
 setLanguage ($language)
 Set the feed language.
 setLink ($link)
 Set a link to the HTML source.
 setFeedLink ($link, $type)
 Set a link to an XML feed for any feed type/version.
 setTitle ($title)
 Set the feed title.
 setEncoding ($encoding)
 Set the feed character encoding.
 setBaseUrl ($url)
 Set the feed's base URL.
 addHub ($url)
 Add a Pubsubhubbub hub endpoint URL.
 addHubs (array $urls)
 Add Pubsubhubbub hub endpoint URLs.
 addCategory (array $category)
 Add a feed category.
 addCategories (array $categories)
 Set an array of feed categories.
 getAuthor ($index=0)
 Get a single author.
 getAuthors ()
 Get an array with feed authors.
 getCopyright ()
 Get the copyright entry.
 getDateCreated ()
 Get the feed creation date.
 getDateModified ()
 Get the feed modification date.
 getLastBuildDate ()
 Get the feed last-build date.
 getDescription ()
 Get the feed description.
 getGenerator ()
 Get the feed generator entry.
 getId ()
 Get the feed ID.
 getImage ()
 Get the feed image URI.
 getLanguage ()
 Get the feed language.
 getLink ()
 Get a link to the HTML source.
 getFeedLinks ()
 Get a link to the XML feed.
 getTitle ()
 Get the feed title.
 getEncoding ()
 Get the feed character encoding.
 getBaseUrl ()
 Get the feed's base url.
 getHubs ()
 Get the URLs used as Pubsubhubbub hubs endpoints.
 getCategories ()
 Get the feed categories.
 reset ()
 Resets the instance and deletes all data.
 setType ($type)
 Set the current feed type being exported to "rss" or "atom".
 getType ()
 Retrieve the current or last feed type exported.
 remove ($name)
 Unset a specific data point.
 __call ($method, $args)
 Method overloading: call given method on first extension implementing it.
- Protected Member Functions inherited from AbstractFeed
 _validateTagUri ($id)
 Validate a URI using the tag scheme (RFC 4151)
 _loadExtensions ()
 Load extensions from Zend.
- Protected Attributes inherited from AbstractFeed
 $data = []
 $type = null