Zend Framework  3.0
Public Member Functions | Protected Member Functions | Protected Attributes | List of all members
Color Class Reference

Public Member Functions

 getInputSpecification ()
 Provide default input rules for this element.
- Public Member Functions inherited from Element
 __construct ($name=null, $options=[])
 init ()
 This function is automatically called when creating element with factory.
 setName ($name)
 Set value for name.
 getName ()
 Get value for name.
 setOptions ($options)
 Set options for an element.
 getOptions ()
 Get defined options.
 getOption ($option)
 Return the specified option.
 setOption ($key, $value)
 Set a single option for an element.
 setAttribute ($key, $value)
 Set a single element attribute.
 getAttribute ($key)
 Retrieve a single element attribute.
 removeAttribute ($key)
 Remove a single attribute.
 hasAttribute ($key)
 Does the element has a specific attribute ?
 setAttributes ($arrayOrTraversable)
 Set many attributes at once.
 getAttributes ()
 Retrieve all attributes at once.
 removeAttributes (array $keys)
 Remove many attributes at once.
 clearAttributes ()
 Clear all attributes.
 setValue ($value)
 Set the element value.
 getValue ()
 Retrieve the element value.
 setLabel ($label)
 Set the label used for this element.
 getLabel ()
 Retrieve the label used for this element.
 setLabelAttributes (array $labelAttributes)
 Set the attributes to use with the label.
 getLabelAttributes ()
 Get the attributes to use with the label.
 setLabelOptions ($arrayOrTraversable)
 Set many label options at once.
 getLabelOptions ()
 Get label specific options.
 clearLabelOptions ()
 Clear all label options.
 removeLabelOptions (array $keys)
 Remove many attributes at once.
 setLabelOption ($key, $value)
 Set a single label optionn.
 getLabelOption ($key)
 Retrieve a single label option.
 removeLabelOption ($key)
 Remove a single label option.
 hasLabelOption ($key)
 Does the element has a specific label option ?
 setMessages ($messages)
 Set a list of messages to report when validation fails.
 getMessages ()
 Get validation error messages, if any.

Protected Member Functions

 getValidator ()
 Get validator.

Protected Attributes

- Protected Attributes inherited from Element
 $attributes = []
 $labelAttributes = []
 $labelOptions = []
 $messages = []
 $options = []

Member Function Documentation

getInputSpecification ( )

Provide default input rules for this element.

Attaches a color validator.


Implements InputProviderInterface.

getValidator ( )

Get validator.


Member Data Documentation

Initial value:
= [
'type' => 'color'