Zend Framework  3.0
Public Member Functions | List of all members
LinksFieldset Class Reference

Public Member Functions

 __construct ()
 getInputFilterSpecification ()
 Should return an array specification compatible with ::createInputFilter().
- Public Member Functions inherited from Fieldset
 __construct ($name=null, $options=[])
 setOptions ($options)
 Set options for a fieldset.
 setFormFactory (Factory $factory)
 Compose a form factory to use when calling add() with a non-element/fieldset.
 getFormFactory ()
 Retrieve composed form factory.
 add ($elementOrFieldset, array $flags=[])
 Add an element or fieldset.
 has ($elementOrFieldset)
 Does the fieldset have an element/fieldset by the given name?
 get ($elementOrFieldset)
 Retrieve a named element or fieldset.
 remove ($elementOrFieldset)
 Remove a named element or fieldset.
 setPriority ($elementOrFieldset, $priority)
 Set/change the priority of an element or fieldset.
 getElements ()
 Retrieve all attached elements.
 getFieldsets ()
 Retrieve all attached fieldsets.
 setMessages ($messages)
 Set a hash of element names/messages to use when validation fails.
 getMessages ($elementName=null)
 Get validation error messages, if any.
 prepareElement (FormInterface $form)
 Ensures state is ready for use.
 populateValues ($data)
 Recursively populate values of attached elements and fieldsets.
 count ()
 Countable: return count of attached elements/fieldsets.
 getIterator ()
 IteratorAggregate: return internal iterator.
 setObject ($object)
 Set the object used by the hydrator.
 getObject ()
 Get the object used by the hydrator.
 setAllowedObjectBindingClass ($allowObjectBindingClass)
 Set the class or interface of objects that can be bound to this fieldset.
 allowedObjectBindingClass ()
 Get The class or interface of objects that can be bound to this fieldset.
 allowObjectBinding ($object)
 Checks if the object can be set in this fieldset.
 setHydrator (HydratorInterface $hydrator)
 Set the hydrator to use when binding an object to the element.
 getHydrator ()
 Get the hydrator used when binding an object to the fieldset.
 allowValueBinding ()
 Checks if this fieldset can bind data.
 bindValues (array $values=[])
 Bind values to the bound object.
 setUseAsBaseFieldset ($useAsBaseFieldset)
 Set if this fieldset is used as a base fieldset.
 useAsBaseFieldset ()
 Is this fieldset use as a base fieldset for a form ?
 __clone ()
 Make a deep clone of a fieldset.
- Public Member Functions inherited from Element
 __construct ($name=null, $options=[])
 init ()
 This function is automatically called when creating element with factory.
 setName ($name)
 Set value for name.
 getName ()
 Get value for name.
 setOptions ($options)
 Set options for an element.
 getOptions ()
 Get defined options.
 getOption ($option)
 Return the specified option.
 setOption ($key, $value)
 Set a single option for an element.
 setAttribute ($key, $value)
 Set a single element attribute.
 getAttribute ($key)
 Retrieve a single element attribute.
 removeAttribute ($key)
 Remove a single attribute.
 hasAttribute ($key)
 Does the element has a specific attribute ?
 setAttributes ($arrayOrTraversable)
 Set many attributes at once.
 getAttributes ()
 Retrieve all attributes at once.
 removeAttributes (array $keys)
 Remove many attributes at once.
 clearAttributes ()
 Clear all attributes.
 setValue ($value)
 Set the element value.
 getValue ()
 Retrieve the element value.
 setLabel ($label)
 Set the label used for this element.
 getLabel ()
 Retrieve the label used for this element.
 setLabelAttributes (array $labelAttributes)
 Set the attributes to use with the label.
 getLabelAttributes ()
 Get the attributes to use with the label.
 setLabelOptions ($arrayOrTraversable)
 Set many label options at once.
 getLabelOptions ()
 Get label specific options.
 clearLabelOptions ()
 Clear all label options.
 removeLabelOptions (array $keys)
 Remove many attributes at once.
 setLabelOption ($key, $value)
 Set a single label optionn.
 getLabelOption ($key)
 Retrieve a single label option.
 removeLabelOption ($key)
 Remove a single label option.
 hasLabelOption ($key)
 Does the element has a specific label option ?
 setMessages ($messages)
 Set a list of messages to report when validation fails.
 getMessages ()
 Get validation error messages, if any.

Additional Inherited Members

- Protected Member Functions inherited from Fieldset
 extract ()
 Extract values from the bound object.
- Protected Attributes inherited from Fieldset
 $elements = []
 $fieldsets = []
 $messages = []
 $useAsBaseFieldset = false

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

__construct ( )

Member Function Documentation

getInputFilterSpecification ( )

Should return an array specification compatible with ::createInputFilter().


Implements InputFilterProviderInterface.