API | Processes | Description |
Accelerator | Main | Define keyboard shortcuts. |
app | Main | Control your application's event lifecycle. |
autoUpdater | Main | Enable apps to automatically update themselves. |
BrowserView | Create and control views. | |
BrowserWindow | Main | Create and control browser windows. |
BrowserWindowProxy | Renderer | Manipulate the child browser window |
Supported Chrome Command Line Switches | Main | Command line switches supported by Electron. |
ClientRequest | Main | Make HTTP/HTTPS requests. |
clipboard | Main and Renderer | Perform copy and paste operations on the system clipboard. |
contentTracing | Main | Collect tracing data from Chromium's content module for finding performance bottlenecks and slow operations. |
Cookies | Main | Query and modify a session's cookies. |
crashReporter | Main and Renderer | Submit crash reports to a remote server. |
Debugger | Main | An alternate transport for Chrome's remote debugging protocol. |
desktopCapturer | Renderer | Access information about media sources that can be used to capture audio and video from the desktop using the [navigator.mediaDevices.getUserMedia] API. |
dialog | Main | Display native system dialogs for opening and saving files, alerting, etc. |
DownloadItem | Main | Control file downloads from remote sources. |
Environment Variables | Main and Renderer | Control application configuration and behavior without changing code. |
File Object | Renderer | Use the HTML5 File API to work natively with files on the filesystem. |
Frameless Window | Main | Open a window without toolbars, borders, or other graphical "chrome". |
globalShortcut | Main | Detect keyboard events when the application does not have keyboard focus. |
inAppPurchase | In-app purchases on Mac App Store. | |
IncomingMessage | Main | Handle responses to HTTP/HTTPS requests. |
ipcMain | Main | Communicate asynchronously from the main process to renderer processes. |
ipcRenderer | Renderer | Communicate asynchronously from a renderer process to the main process. |
Locales | Main | Locale values returned by app.getLocale(). |
Menu | Main | Create native application menus and context menus. |
MenuItem | Main | Add items to native application menus and context menus. |
nativeImage | Main and Renderer | Create tray, dock, and application icons using PNG or JPG files. |
net | Main | Issue HTTP/HTTPS requests using Chromium's native networking library |
Notification | Create OS desktop notifications | |
powerMonitor | Main | Monitor power state changes. |
powerSaveBlocker | Main | Block the system from entering low-power (sleep) mode. |
process | Main and Renderer | Extensions to process object. |
protocol | Main | Register a custom protocol and intercept existing protocol requests. |
remote | Renderer | Use main process modules from the renderer process. |
sandbox Option | Create a browser window with a renderer that can run inside Chromium OS sandbox. With this option enabled, the renderer must communicate via IPC to the main process in order to access node APIs. However, in order to enable the Chromium OS sandbox, electron must be run with the --enable-sandbox command line argument. | |
screen | Main and Renderer | Retrieve information about screen size, displays, cursor position, etc. |
session | Main | Manage browser sessions, cookies, cache, proxy settings, etc. |
shell | Main and Renderer | Manage files and URLs using their default applications. |
Synopsis | Main and Renderer | How to use Node.js and Electron APIs. |
systemPreferences | Main | Get system preferences. |
TouchBar | Main | Create TouchBar layouts for native macOS applications |
TouchBarButton | Main | Create a button in the touch bar for native macOS applications |
TouchBarColorPicker | Main | Create a color picker in the touch bar for native macOS applications |
TouchBarGroup | Main | Create a group in the touch bar for native macOS applications |
TouchBarLabel | Main | Create a label in the touch bar for native macOS applications |
TouchBarPopover | Main | Create a popover in the touch bar for native macOS applications |
TouchBarScrubber | Main | Create a scrubber (a scrollable selector) |
TouchBarSegmentedControl | Main | Create a segmented control (a button group) where one button has a selected state |
TouchBarSlider | Main | Create a slider in the touch bar for native macOS applications |
TouchBarSpacer | Main | Create a spacer between two items in the touch bar for native macOS applications |
Tray | Main | Add icons and context menus to the system's notification area. |
webContents | Main | Render and control web pages. |
webFrame | Renderer | Customize the rendering of the current web page. |
WebRequest | Main | Intercept and modify the contents of a request at various stages of its lifetime. |
<webview> Tag | Display external web content in an isolated frame and process. | |
window.open Function | Renderer | Open a new window and load a URL. |